Spring 2017 GMLC Update

Nicolas Cerrato
Gamoloco Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2017

We’ve been going through dark times.

Or rather should I say: we went through dark times.

As any English teacher would let you know -ty daddy- the latter tense here indicates those dark times are a thing of the past, not present anymore.

To summarize quickly the slope we’d slowly been sliding on for a few months: lack of resources left Gamoloco without a dedicated lead engineer since the end of last summer.

While some maintenance work still was getting done, we’d been recording an increasing number of lesser bugs, data display issues and even data loss at one point.

This all came to an end with the long-awaited arrival of a new lead engineer who’s been taking matters in his own hands over the past few weeks.

Now that we’re back on track, it’s time to take a look at the incurred damage:

1 — Data loss April 1–14, 2017
This is the worst thing that could happen to a data service: our system stopped collecting the numbers. We have almost 0 data for the 1st half of April, aka the yellow square of death right below.

This above is the graph for League of Legends, but unfortunately I have to make it clear all other games and channels we usually collect data for were impacted in the same way during that period.

We will never recover this data but we will create estimates and have them display on the site, clearly indicating the numbers are made up.

2 — Missing Scoreboards
A few of our monthly scoreboards didn’t get generated recently. For example, we simply have 0 monthly scoreboard for the months of February and March. In this case, it’s not so serious since we have all the data we need stored somewhere backstage. It will take us a few more weeks but we’ll end up getting those scoreboards to display on the site at last.

3 — Lesser bugs
The dreaded receipts bug is on the list of what we need to address. As well as the “you are already connected on 2 devices” log in annoyance and a couple more.

These, ladies and gents, are our priorities for the coming weeks: to make Gamoloco clean again before we start looking into new stuff for the website.

Also I want to add here that during our technical hardships I kept things moving forward on my own backstage, aside from our web service. I’ve been working at a couple new things involving esports and data. Hopefully I get to tell you more sooner than later.

