5 Centimeters per Second

DISCLAIMER: This is not just anime, but it’s real life.

Bea Jane V. Serna
Gana Philippines
3 min readJan 4, 2021


The gap between the rich and the poor has been drastically increasing, often coined as “making the rich, richer, while the poor, poorer”. Financial and social discrimination that is common nowadays often trace back to having too much of the world’s wealth held by only a very small group of people. In order to dig deep towards understanding the so-called gaps between the identified groups in society, one shall be oriented and aware of why equality is crucial in achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.

Reduced Inequalities is listed as Sustainable Development Goal # 10 by the United Nations in addressing the interconnected global challenges that we are currently facing, as the goals are designed to make sure that no one is left behind. By elaborating on the stated targets per SDG, the United Nations has then made sure that everyone can help in order to meet the Global Goals. To put it into context, let me drop some examples that could make us rethink and reevaluate.

A Silent Voice

Often considered as one of the factors that fuel conflicts worldwide, exploitation of natural resources is a contributor to inequality. Indigenous People (IPs) are often driven out of their homes due to the dire need of raw material despite having legal rights to their ancestral domain.

Come to think of it, instead of kicking them out of their own respective safe havens, why not just invest in sound and fair management of natural resources? It will not just reduce inequalities, but will also provide job opportunities for the IPs, keeping them financially stable. This solution shall be the whisper of hope for those silent voices who have been oppressed.

When They Cry

Having a dire impact on the poorest and vulnerable groups, Climate Change and Disasters contribute to exacerbate existing inequalities within and across countries. With the recent typhoons that have wreaked havoc in the country, who was there when they cried? The struggle that has been common with every one of us amidst the pandemic has hindered immediate help, especially with geographical location and quarantine protocols.

Proper management and allocation of natural resources, following the promotion of institutional arrangements that shall seek to provide equal and fair access and use of raw materials will pave the way into implementations of laws that shall regulate and rehabilitate the area rich in resources. It shall be able to protect the environment, further adapting and fighting climate change. There will be no need to provide someone to be there when they will cry, because they will never have to cry again, instead they shall tear up of joy.

In order for nations to flourish, equality and prosperity must be available to everyone — regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs or economic status. When every individual is self-sufficient, the entire world prospers. With our collaborative efforts, we will be able to contribute in patching up the gaps between the identified groups in society. As for now, wake up and face reality, your beloved anime is telling you something, the gaps are stretching further, 5 centimeters per second, so fight for those who have a silent voice, especially when they cry.


“Goal 10 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs.” United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Online. Internet. 2 Jan. 2021. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal10.

“Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities.” The Global Goals, n.d. Online. Internet. 2 Jan. 2021. Available: https://www.globalgoals.org/10-reduced-inequalities.

