CET Back and Chill

Bea Jane V. Serna
Gana Philippines
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2020

Good Day!

This letter is intended to request your good office of the following documents.

Form 137, Form 138, Batch Ranking, Certificates for Extra-Curricular Activities, and the list goes on. This is just a few of the endless documents that are needed and requested from certain authorities in your institution. It may take a week, a month or so for their reply, so you eagerly wait and send follow-up messages to make sure they are processing your request. You look straight at the camera’s lens with a neutral look. As you get your passport-sized picture, you quickly scan your features. Your eyes look sleep-deprived, strands of hair have escaped the fix of your style, as your collar looked quite wrinkled.

It is normal to feel pressured and anxious with the new system of processing applications, having no entrance examinations. Indeed, it is a battle of grades and certificates, especially for honors programs that have limited slots reserved for the best of the best. Maybe you’re one of those who are panicking in meeting deadlines, or you’re one of those who are still uncertain on what path to take and what the future holds for you. Whichever group you may classify yourself into, it is valid and normal to feel scared, anxious, nervous, and unsure.

The uncertainty of the scenario that we are currently in has pushed us into a series of circumstances that we never predicted. The normal college journey would have started last May — July, with self-reviewing or partaking in review centers to buying booklets and manuals. Who would have actually thought that the pandemic would pave way to online review centers, having classmates based in the northern tip of Luzon or the southern part of Mindanao? It has taken or would take weeks, months of adjustments, but eventually you will get a hang of the whole process of College Applications. There is no rushing, so take it at your own pace and do tasks accordingly. Take a step back. Take a deep breath. Have a nap. Always remember to never push yourself beyond your limits.

Simultaneous to the consecutive deadlines for college applications are piled-up assessments and requirements that need to be finished within the given time frame. It is indeed a struggle to balance your existing responsibilities in school and your non-academic activities and the additional demanded time for checking out colleges and universities. All you have to do is know your priorities. Weigh the things that you have to do based on the deadline, difficulty, and how necessary it is. By then, you would be able to set out a time schedule in coordinating which assessments and applications you would be able to do by the end of the week or month.

It is evident that procrastination and cramming has been a go-to practice for us, especially when we’re meeting deadlines. In this case, you SHOULDN’T. I repeat, thou shall not cram college applications. It’s not that I’m underestimating your skills, but the process is time-consuming, and it needs a lot to be focused on in order to finalize an over-the-top application to secure a spot in your desired colleges and universities.

Hoping for your kindest consideration with the tips and advice that I have shared. Good luck with your college applications. Always remember, when the going gets rough, just CET back and chill. Stay safe and Take care!

Best Regards,

Gana PH Team

