Devops (Development And Operations) Life Cycle

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4 min readApr 22, 2019

What Is Devops?

DevOps is a culture that promote collaboration between development and an operations team to implement the product code faster and more automatically and repetitively. A word ‘DevOps’ is a combination of different words ‘unfolding’ and ‘operations’. This allows client and client organizations to be updated and updated in the market.

The Need for DevOps

It is necessary to develop an application development plan that is not as simple as thinking. As we all know how to do or unfold, or precise application to enter the testing phase. Before starting, it takes time for the project. In some cases, the text for the development and, in some cases, are presented several times.

Life Cycle Of Devops

A combination of Development and Operations, the term DevOps describes a software industry practice does the software of which refers to important functions of development and operation of software applications for the user. As you can see throughout the life cycle and software applications, these are the most important phases. Next, the most important phases of the life cycle in software development are explained to understand the meaning of software integration:

1. Development

Development of the first phase of the use of the principle DevOps. It is also possible that the function of a set of objectives becomes an application message that is available. Once finalized it is oriented to the objectives, the work and the development of the project. Activities such as the necessary code are also included and will then be placed in the next phase. Like or DevOps according to a continuous cycle of life or development, it can also be used in the existing code, using or continuous feedback in the development and operation scheme.


Testing is a process that matches the actual or non-DevOps application. Consumers or beta testers can produce results and, also guarantee of possible use for their use in the active environment. This test provides additional information about all to all of you, for the time being, they can be sent again for the development process for software or applications.

DevOps Testing Strategy:

• The test must be read

• QA and need to sit together and identify as affected areas owners ought to build and run cases .. test More related to those sanity Test to Pass.

• Fast you also need to set up specialized tools Analyze and code coverage to ensure coverage The next code to 100%.

• The Concept of Running You All Cases Regression Test for a Test Pass is quickly becoming obsolete.

• The strategy around testing features New need to be formalized and interleaved Builds Prune to be provided to QA Who, in turn, raising test scripts to test ESSES and run interim in Automation Builds until either code becomes standard or sufficient to be deployed in the environment

• All environments required For this purpose, they must be standardized and implementations must be automated. IntegrationDevelopers merge their regular changes to code repository in a shared environment where they are automatically updated.


Integration ensures tested or validated code is more up-to-date and always available to OS developers. CI Helps to avoid costly delays Development into multiple code developers Working Allowing not even COM-source Trust, invites expected to integrate Separate sections make the code so cannot do launch day


This is a specific phase in which software is implemented in the production house. All codes developed are deployed servers, ensuring 100% accuracy. How or Deployment Process occurs in a non-stop process, such as Automation Tools such as or SaltStack, Puppet, Chef, etc. plays an important role. An application should be such that anything has no deadline, does not apply or code execution time, in high site traffic. Therefore, during the deployment process, or system administrator, you should continue to expand the servers to receive a larger number of host users.


The phase of monitoring and an operational phase DevOps as main information on where or not to use the taxed application is processed to find carefully as the trends and identify problem areas or. It increases the operational efficiency software A product occurs May in Produce form of documents given enormous economic Application when the application in the continuous use.


Feedback is the last major component of the DevOps culture and provides a means of enhancement and innovation. Either feedback always produces improvements from stakeholders who know what is needed as a result or should be. Either client feedback, as well as implementation activities, can serve as an input to music developers.

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