Difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium Webdriver

Jaya Priya
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2019

Selenium IDE:

The Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the simplest tool of the Silenium Suite. It is a Firefox add-on that creates tests very quickly through its recording and playback functionality.

Open (URL) — Selenium IDE command. Meet Open — the most used command in the Selenium IDE software testing tool. The “Open” command opens the URL in the current tab of the selected browser.


WebDriver is a tool to automate the testing of web applications and, in particular, to verify that they work as expected. The goal is to provide a friendly API that is easy to explore and understand, easier to use than the Selenium-RC API (1.0), which will help make your tests easier to read and maintain.

Selenium is an automation test structure or API that works with Java, C #, Perl, Ruby, Python and Groovy programming languages to automate browser activities.

The seven basic steps of selenium testing:

1) Create an instance of WebDriver.

2) Go to a Web page.

3) Search for an HTML element in the Web page.

4) Execute an action in an HTML.

5) Anticipate the response of the browser to action.

6) Run tests and record the results of the test using a test structure.

7) Complete the test Selenium is an automation test tool used to automate various types of applications.

These are three main parts Selenium IDE, Selenium RC and Selenium WebDriver. As of today’s date, the WebDriver is the latest version of Selenium.

Selenium WebDriver The AKA Selenium 2 is a browser automation structure that accepts commands and sends them to a browser It is implemented through a specific browser driver.

To make selenium so powerful, go through the selenium RC with the tests. With the RC, we can easily integrate. Selenium RC came with a remote execution, we can get through Selenium Grid.

Webdriver interface Selenium:

The WebDriver is an interface and we are defining a reference variable (controller) whose type is an interface. Now, any object that we attribute to it must be an instance of a class (FireFoxDriver) that implements the interface.

The selenium testers decided to know this limitation of the Selenium IDE. In 2007, the testers came with a new version called Selenium RC or Selenium Remote Control. Overcomes the limitations of the Selenium IDE. Selenium developers do not know logic and logic will not be the same for all browsers, which have created WebDriver as an interface.

The interface is a type in Java that only has one abstract method, that is, methods without body / logic. The RemoteWebDriver class implements the WebDriver interface that is extended by the browser drivers.

Purpose of the Selenium IDE:

· The Selenium IDE was created with a purpose: to increase the speed of the creation of test cases. It has user action recording and playback options that help you create simple tests quickly. The interface is friendly and also supports multiple extensions.

· The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a common thing for programming languages. It combines the two platforms and provides the best result. Selenium IDE allows to edit, record and debug the tests.

· The main goal of creating the Selenium IDE is to increase the speed of creation of test cases. It helps users to quickly register and play tests in the real environment that will be executed. Selenium is a free software portable software testing structure widely used for web applications.

· Although the Selenium comes with a specific test domain language (Selenese), other programming languages (Java, C #, Ruby, Python) can also be used for scripting tests. The WebElement interface is implemented by AndroidWebElement, HtmlUnitWebElement or RemoteWebElement. The click method is actually executed in one of those concrete classes.

Use of interface:

It is used to provide total abstraction. This means that all methods in the interface are declared empty and are public and all fields are public, static and final by default. A class that implements the interface must implement all methods declared in the interface. To implement the use of the interface, implement the keyword.

For more click this link: Selenium online training.

