What Is DevOps?

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3 min readApr 16, 2019

DevOps (development and operations) is a corporate software development strategy used to signify a kind of agile relationship between development and IT operations. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship, advocating better communication and collaboration between these two business units. DevOps is deep integration between development and operations.

Understanding DevOps Is Not Possible Without Knowing The DevOps Lifecycle

Here is brief information on the lifecycle of DevOps Continuous:

Ø Development At this stage of DevOps, software development is constantly occurring. In this phase, the entire development process is separated into small development cycles. This benefits the DevOps team to streamline the software development and delivery process.

Ø Test The QC team uses tools like Selenium to identify and correct errors in the new code.

Ø Integration At this stage, the new functionality is integrated into the prevailing code and the test is performed. Continuous development is only possible due to integration and continuous testing.

Ø Implementation In this phase, the implementation process occurs continuously. It runs in such a way that any changes made at any point in the code should not affect the performance of the high traffic site.

Ø Monitoring In this phase, the operation team will be responsible for the improper behavior of the system or errors encountered in production.

DevOps and Agile

Agile is a software development approach focused on incremental and fast cycles of code creation and delivery, known as sprints. Each sprint iterates in the last one, creating a high level of flexibility, since changes and reach and direction can be evaluated between each cycle. However, it is possible that the original vision of a project is lost through this cycle.

The DevOps came from the success in development speed in Agile when it became clear that there is a lack of communication between development teams and operations that put an obstacle is significant in the speed and flexibility of code delivery to users. As agile development became more efficient, it became clear that development and operations work, in addition to the other, were inefficient.

Prior to DevOps, development, and operations teams worked in a way that code writers had goals and leadership separate from those who implemented and supported the code. With DevOps and Agile, communication between development and operations ensures that the code can be managed by both teams seamlessly, without any communication or confusion. DevOps does not have an official structure, nor does it consider speed as a central focus (rather than speed in development is achieved through which DevOps is concentrated).

The Benefits Of DevOps

Companies that incorporate DevOps practices are simple and simple. This is a function of multifunctional composition that works in collaboration, as organizations of technical benefits:

Ø Continuous delivery of software

Ø Less complexity

Ø More happy and productive

Ø Higher opportunities for professional development

Ø More time to reinforce (instead of correcting / maintaining)

Ø Commercial benefits are reinforced in DevOps

Real-time delivery of resources:

Continuous delivery with resources has been implemented in the future. Explanation of the speed in the back of the application of automated processors for the test of the testicles, the infrastructure of the registry and the monitoring and monitoring of the environment.

Most important operational services:

As a continuous delivery, reduced, one seriousness, two possible problems, also an important trend. At the same time, Puppet also discounted that high-performance organizations have recovered the tempo of inactivity 96 times more quickly and also experience interruption of alterations five times less.

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