Top Construction Project Management Tips & Insights

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
6 min readApr 28, 2023
Construction project management tips

Construction project management requires knowledge of modern management and a general understanding of design and construction processes.

Any construction project has a specific set of objectives and constraints. While the processes and relevant technologies differ, the management of such projects has much in common with the management of similar types of projects in other industries such as manufacturing project management or IT project management.

In this post, we combined some relevant insights and tips to help you maintain control from a project’s start to finish.

No matter whether you are a professional manager or a project manager without experience, reliable construction project management tips will help you always keep your projects afloat.

Follow these tips to simplify the daunting work related to construction project management.

1. Hire professionals to build a dream team

Managers’ success is closely tied to their teams’ performance. Hiring skilled professionals allows construction managers to delegate tasks and focus on other responsibilities. Building a high-performing team is achievable by identifying individuals with the necessary experience and skills to handle construction management duties.

2. Research

Run thorough research before starting any construction project. This involves studying all project details, collecting relevant data, and planning project stages. The more information you have, the better you can control the project lifecycle and anticipate potential challenges.

Gather input from clients, construction experts, and vendors to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the project. This does not necessarily require sophisticated tools; a regular construction project checklist can help you record critical events and activities.

3. Plan and schedule

Planning ahead is a crucial aspect of effective construction project management. Anticipating potential challenges and developing solutions is essential for success.

Create a visual management plan that aligns with the key phases of construction project management, such as initiation, planning, launch, performance, and closure. At the end of each stage, establish a deliverable that serves as a milestone for measuring progress and success. Assess your project team’s performance regularly to ensure that the project remains on schedule.

Keep in mind that construction plans and schedules are subject to frequent changes. You may need to adjust and improve your plan based on previous project phases.

Effective planning requires attention to detail, skills, and the use of an online planner.

One of the brilliant examples of a professional planner is GanttPRO.

GanttPRO for scheduling construction projects

The online Gantt chart generator visualizes construction processes and the resources required to complete them. It allows for ordering all key stages of your timeline and managing them with the drag-and-drop feature.

GanttPRO also provides such features and opportunities as task management, portfolio management, time tracking, reporting, resource management, budget management, integrations, and more.

This robust construction scheduling software offers a clear picture of your tasks, progress, deadlines, and schedules.

4. Be aware of changes and manage them

Encountering setbacks during construction work is inevitable. PMs must address them promptly.

Extensive preparation is required during the preconstruction, design, and procurement stages, and each stage may need to be revised before proceeding to the next.

It is crucial to adapt and adjust to changes as soon as possible to avoid losing profit, dissatisfying clients, and experiencing construction project delays.

GanttPRO is a useful tool for keeping track of changes. With its auto-scheduling feature, project dates are automatically reconsidered whenever changes occur. This enables project managers to accurately follow their schedules and easily track task dependencies.

5. Accelerate communication

Effective communication is one of the essential tips for managing a construction project.

Maintaining transparent communication among the team and clients is key to success, from the beginning to the end of the project. Regular communication with all parties involved, including clients, partners, subcontractors, suppliers, stakeholders, and staff, is necessary.

Simple online platforms can send alerts and receive responses from the team, while multifunctional project management tools can offer more features.

For example, with GanttPRO you can communicate without extra effort, using friendly notifications, comments, and attachments.

Collaboration feature in GanttPRO

6. Keep construction budgets under control

Construction project managers are responsible for monitoring all costs related to the budget during the construction workflow. Having a good understanding of these costs helps them make better decisions about the required methods and materials, ultimately leading to increased productivity.

With such reliable tools as GanttPRO, you can log all expenses, calculate costs, and track budget changes with ease.

Construction budget management in GanttPRO

7. Delegate

Effective delegation requires ensuring that the team possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to execute specific tasks successfully.

All construction project managers must understand how to delegate tasks appropriately, taking into account the evolving nature of the project scope. To prevent team overload, it’s crucial to assign different tasks to team members and provide clear instructions for completing each activity effectively.

In GanttPRO, users can assign team members and virtual resources to separate projects and tasks, streamlining the delegation process.

Assigning users in GanttPRO

8. Document everything

Managing documentation is also crucial to efficient construction project management. From the project’s inception to its closure, it’s essential to maintain accurate and updated documentation while ensuring it’s consistently tracked and signed by stakeholders.

Professional construction project management software will help you to facilitate documentation flow and provide real-time data to all your team members.

9. Run productive meetings

The role of a project manager often involves attending multiple meetings.

To ensure that meetings are productive, it’s crucial to establish a clear agenda and maintain control of the discussion, redirecting any off-topic conversations. Project managers should prepare for meetings in advance by creating a list of topics that need to be discussed and anticipated questions that may arise.

They can use various tools to make meetings more productive. One of these tools is an online Kanban board. Organizing tasks and ideas on such a board provides a transparent way to manage meetings and stay on top of tasks.

Managing Kanban boards in GanttPRO

10. Compose detailed reports

Reporting shows when and how much time your employees have spent on specific tasks from specific projects. It’s critical to find a proper software solution with handy reports to see the total time spent on tasks and intervals.

11. Care about your team’s safety

Safety is closely connected to planning. As a project becomes more chaotic, the level of stress on stakeholders can increase.

By prioritizing safety, serious incidents can be avoided, and tasks can be completed more efficiently. To ensure safety, it’s essential to verify safety standards, avoid chaotic solutions, and use recommended construction equipment.

12. Listen to experts and have your own opinion

Experience and knowledge are the best sources of wealth at any construction site.

Involve team experts in decision-making. Your workers can point out the maneuvers to solve problems and mitigate construction hurdles. Take time to educate young specialists. Time and money spent helping them grow is a phenomenal investment.

At the same time, try to be the only source of reliable information.

The construction project management tips mentioned above will help you improve work processes and counter possible challenges.

If you want to get professional recommendations, cases, and insights from construction experts, check out the original version of this text here: Practical Construction Project Management Tips and Insights From Experts: How to Improve Construction Work

