How to Boost Communication in Construction: Connect Everyone & Align Better

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2023
Communication in construction, GanttPRO review

Communication in construction can be something to be proud of, and sometimes it can be a real nuisance.

Effective communication leads to advanced team collaboration, enriches working skills, and results in a happy project outcomes. Weak communication in construction projects provokes financial consequences, construction project delays, and safety issues.

In this post, you’ll explore the ways for maintaining communication in construction and keeping projects running effectively.

The power and role of communication

What is the vital goal of communication in construction?

The google of communication in the construction industry is to find appropriate solutions for reching the objectives of the project, to maximize resources, and decrease costs.

Constructionl workers share information and collaborate applying different tools and means: from an ordinary construction project checklist to a multifunctional construction scheduling software solution. This boosts transparency and communication as well as adds infinite value.

Below is the list of proofs that show the importance of communication in construction.

The role of communication in the construction industry

Tthere are various types of communication in construction. Let’s explore the most important of them.

Communication in construction: types and their characteristics

Communication in the construction may involve meetings, calls, technical drawings, and even hand signals. Pictures, daily reports, videos, and change orders are also considered as forms of communication.

Each type of communication has its pros and cons. Here are these types.

1. Various meetings

A construction meeting is one of the oldest ways to manage issues related to construction projects. This type of communication helps facilitate collaboration and a shared sense of purpose.

2. Forms of desk alerts

Desk alerts can be seen within minutes. They provide information directly to any device. The forms of these alerts are mobile push notifications, pop-up notifications, or digital signages.

3. Cloud-based tools for construction project management

Construction managers also use handy cloud-based construction management tools that provide a central repository for all essential data.

4. Mobile apps

Mobile apps save time since information can reach many people simultaneously in the office and on the construction site.

5. Wearable devices

Handy wearable devices solve problems related to safety. For example, smartwatches allow for getting a quick notification if workers start overexerting or if they need a rest.

6. Hand signals

Hand signals and other signs on construction sites prevent potential accidents and keep your team members safe. For example, stop signals and load signals.

Now let’s explore the key ways of improving communication in construction.

How to improve communication in construction: reliable ways

There are reliable measures to optimize communication in construction and keep projects within time and budget.

Let’s explore the list of the possible ways you may follow to make communication even better.

1. Open communication

Open communication makes construction workers satisfied and heard. It allows for addressing issues as soon as they occur. It’s a good idea to be transparent and clear throughout communication acts.

2. Single source of truth

Construction companies often use many platforms and tools to collect and process data. However, much of this data remains siloed and hinders effective communication.

To streamline communication, try to find and implement one single source of truth for all your project information. It will let your construction docs, plans, schedules, financial data, designs, agreements, and other assets be accessed from one professional platform.

There are many robust online construction project management tools that can help you boost the effectiveness of your communication in construction.

One of them is GanttPRO.

The platforms allows for not only making a Gantt chart like a pro but also for collaborating with all people involved in your construction project.

Construction industry communication with GanttPRO

It strengthens communication between stakeholders, ensures consistency, and assists in preventing possible inefficiency.

GanttPRO is a great choice if you need to:

  • Plan meetings.
  • Assign people to tasks.
  • Add attachments.
  • Leave comments.
  • Receive notifications.

You may also use GanttPRO mobile apps available for iOS and Android to collaborate while working inside and outside the office.

3. Standardization of repetitive processes

The basic processes of construction projects are typically the same although they can vary in goals, size, and budget. If you standardize the way of working on all your projects, you’ll avoid mistakes and prevent huge work pressure.

4. Improved accessibility

The workflow of your construction project will be more efficient if you enhance accessibility in the field. It is important to provide all employees with immediate access to all critical operations and project processes.

Working with GanttPRO, your colleagues may have access to real-time planning statuses.

Communication in construction and a Gantt chart

5. Face-to-face meetings

Email, messengers, and quick chatting tools cannot fully replace the value of face-to-face meetings. Regular meetings play a crucial role in addressing emotional or contentious issues that may lead to frustration or anger among individuals.

Project managers should prioritize organizing in-person and team meetings as frequently as necessary. With GanttPRO, you have the convenience of scheduling all required meetings on a user-friendly timeline or interactive boards.

Task boards in GanttPRO for communication on construction

6. Active listening

Active listening is an effective method of communication that involves giving your full attention to the speaker, understanding their message, and responding appropriately. This communication skill keeps people actively engaged in the conversation and enhances their ability to remember important information later on.

By implementing these tips, you can optimize communication in construction and show respect to the person who is speaking.

Would you like to get more useful tips on how to improve communication in construction? Piece of cake!

Read the full version of this article to get more insights: How to Improve Communication in Construction: 12 Ideas to Rally Managers, Teams, and Stakeholders.

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