Task Dependencies in Project Management: Benefits, Types, and Examples

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
5 min readSep 15, 2021

All projects consist of tasks that have various complexity. Team members should complete at least one task in order to complete a project. These tasks are commonly dependent on each other.

This post explores the benefits, types, and examples of task dependencies in project management.

Task dependency definition

A task dependency is a relationship with a particular order for tasks that need to be performed. This is when one preceding task relies on the other succeeding one.

The predecessor task determines the start or finish date of the successor. You should always start with the predecessor when creating the dependency line between several tasks.

How to provide a bird’ eye view of tasks? The answer is easy: use powerful Gantt charts for project visualization, and you’ll see how they will track them with ease.

Let’s dive into the secrets of establishing task dependencies, their types, and examples.

What are the types of dependencies?

There are four ways tasks can relate to each other in the project management environment.

1. Finish to Start

This Finish to Start (FS) dependency means that action A should be completed to provide a start to action B. This connection is pretty common for project management. Therefore, it is recommended to use this connection wherever possible.

The FS example: We cannot start building a bridge (B) without buying bricks (A).

2. Finish to Finish

The Finish for Finish (FF) relationship means that task B can only finish when its predecessor — task A has also ended.

The FF example: We cannot finish reading an article (B) before reading the last paragraph (A).

3. Start to Start

In this type of task dependency (SS), the successor can only start once the predecessor task it’s dependent on has begun.

The SS example: We can start writing a scientific dissertation (B) after we’ve created a reliable project plan (A).

4. Start to Finish

The Start to Finish (SF) relationship means that the finish of the successor task is controlled by the start of the predecessor. SF is seldom used. It is recommended to avoid this type of connection.

The SF example: A new shift starts working (A) in a store after the previous one has finished (B).

The most common type of a dependency

Finish to Start is the most commonly used relationship. This is not a surprise, as a predecessor task A must be finished before successor task B can start.

The meaning of predecessors in project management

A predecessor is an activity whose start/ finish controls the start or finish of another activity. There is also a successor — its start/finish is controlled by the start/finish of another activity.

The role of these activities in project management is rather important. You will first need to identify predecessors and successors in your project before choosing any relationship type.

It all looks clear but you’ll definitely need some vivid examples of task dependencies to visualize their role and meaning.

Examples of task dependencies

You are here to get a thorough understanding of the task dependency process. Therefore, let’s figure out how to set dependencies in projects with the help of GanttPRO — a robust Gantt chart maker.

How to set task dependencies in GanttPRO

There are 2 ways to add any type of dependencies in a project in GanttPRO:

1. Creating dependencies between tasks with the drag and drop feature.

For example, to create the FS dependency, you should drag a small circle from the end of one task and drop it to the start of the other task. GanttPRO will easily connect them.

Or, to set Finish to Finish dependencies, you should grab a circle near the task and drag & drop an arrow, connecting the end of one task to the end of another, so that the arrow appears between them.

2. Adding dependencies with the help of task settings.

Let’s consider the example with the Finish to Start dependency.

Open your task and choose the field “Task dependencies” where you can select the FS relations. Lag time there if needed. After defining the required relation, pick up a task with which you want to link in a dropdown next to the field.

If some task dependency cannot be set, you will see a real-time notification at the top-right corner. You can also delete any dependency after clicking the History button.

Working with predecessors in GanttPRO

The platform helps to visualize the process of working with predecessors, providing you with all the details. Visualize dependencies on a nice diagram:

Or add a column “Predecessor”. To do it, сlick on the Plus icon and add the corresponding column.

This column will help you to see task numbering from the WBS (work break structure) column. So, you will be able to see how any of your dependent tasks are connected.

Wrapping up

The order in which tasks must be performed is critical in project management. All types of task dependencies described in this post enable project teams to choose the optimal task order, help in setting project milestones, and provide the fastest route through the projects.

Regardless of the type of task dependencies, Gantt diagram tools like GanttPRO are aimed to organize and automate your processes. Explore their functionality and set task dependencies without pain!

Find more information in the full article What is a Task Dependency? Definition, Types, and Examples https://blog.ganttpro.com/en/project-and-task-dependency-types-with-gantt-chart/.

