Tell Your Gap Year Story

Chris Topher Kelly
Gap Year Stories
Published in
1 min readApr 30, 2017

Become a part of our community. Share your story with the world.

Gap Year Stories is a community of people who have something very important in common — at one moment in their lives, they all chose to take a different path and go against the grain. If you did the same and have a great gap year story to share, we want to hear it.

And you know what?

We actually need to hear it.

It’s up to us to educate people on how life-changing a gap year can be and stop associating time away from the beaten path as time off.

So…Join Us!

Submit your story by filling out this form



Chris Topher Kelly
Gap Year Stories

Lifelong learner.Globetrotter. Avid fan of sports, cultural faux pas, critical thoughts on paper, Bill Murray, and 90s music.