Through My Gap Year, I Became the Best Version of Myself

Gap Year Stories
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2017

By Annabelle Lucas

A year ago today, you would’ve found me in a train wreck that I called my life. I was about to commit to a school I wasn’t sure of for a major I wasn’t satisfied with. I’d felt the pressure of my family, my teachers, peers, and even myself to lead a successful life. For many, that meant graduating high school and throwing yourself into 2+ extra years of education.

When I had dropped the bomb of my intention to major in theater, many were disappointed. I’d even heard it called “a waste of [my] potential”. At this point, I was defeated and, frankly, incredibly uncomfortable. I looked at my life and what were supposed to be my “golden years,” but I wasn’t happy. This wasn’t how I’d wanted it to be. So, I did what I thought was best, and I took a year off.

At first, it was pretty rough. I’d watched all of my friends leave, one by one, to start their own lives while I stayed and put mine on hold. I may not have gotten to go to college, but I got to learn so many new, incredible things just from taking that time off. Without the horrible pressure of peers to weigh me down, and all the time in the world, I’d become the best version of myself.

I became a runway model for the Quintus Art Gala, which was so amazing itself. I was able to take singing lessons, play in my Alumni and town’s band, produce the high school’s musical, and even act in a play. I didn’t have much time aside from work and all this, but in that extra time, I painted and did makeup artistry. Some people bought my art, or paid me to do their faces. If that weren’t enough, I went from just your average cashier to head of the entire Cosmetics section at Target.

When this year started, I felt all was lost to me, that I had trapped myself in my own circle of hell. Yet, it ended up being the best year of my life (thus far). I’ve never learned so much in so little time.

I learned that a lot of the people I’d so greatly respected became a lot less inspiring now that I could see that they’re just people like you and I. Everything from food to gas, insurance, phone, and car parts is actually really expensive, so you might consider auctioning nonessential organs because there’s never enough (this is a joke)(please do not do this). This year has not only made me incredibly independent, but I’ve grown to a new level personally. From my self esteem to essential life skills, I’m a new woman!

So this time around, I’m sure of my school, I’m sure of my major, and I’m sure of myself. A lot of people look at people who take gap years and think they’ll never live a fulfilling life. They can. “Life’s what you make it” and whatever you choose to do isn’t a waste of potential, it’s using it the way you intend to. Who knows, maybe you’ll become a model, or an artist, or even a producer!

