Why A Gap Year? Here’s Why I’m Taking One.

Gap Year Stories
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2017

By Laura Valeri

A gap year means exactly what it sounds like: It is a year off between schooling, typically done after high school and before college. I had always thought of taking a gap year, even as early as my junior year. When it came time to apply to colleges though, I did. I applied really early compared to my peers. While they were stressing about completing their essays or filling out questions, I was relaxing. That was a huge relief, and a weight off my shoulders. It wasn’t until mid-senior year that I became definite on taking a gap year. When I told people, I was met with the cliche “you’re not going to college if you don’t go next year!” I always found this annoying, because I know myself: I am dedicated and motivated; I always have been. If I set my mind to do something, I pull through with it. Meaning, I know myself well enough to know I can take time off from school and go back. I personally do not want to just jump into college after high school. I would be miserable. I just busted my butt for 13 years to do well in school.

I hate how society has made it so those that decide to wait to go to college are shunned. We’re told we won’t amount to anything because we decided we wanted time off. I disagree: Life is short, it can end at any point and we don’t know it. There is so much in this world to offer anyone and everyone that lives here. I feel it is basic to just jump into school after going to school. I didn’t feel like I would be doing anything extraordinary, because everyone goes to college after high school. They’re going because either they want to, or they are guilted into it. So many kids I know don’t even know what they’re going to go to college for. Though that may be normal, it seems like a waste of time and money. I know I want to major in media communications, and I still want to take the year off.

I decided to fill out an application to join AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps is a community service-based program throughout America. In the program, you will be flying out to where you are needed. There is a huge variety as to where you will go and what you’ll be doing there. They have a list of what you would be interested in doing, and what your skills are. AmeriCorps seemed like the perfect choice to me, because I want to travel. I also would prefer to do something remarkable with my time off, rather than just work. With AmeriCorps, they pay for travel expenses, give a stipend, as well as scholarships after your year of service. That really helps me, as I couldn’t afford college at the cost the schools were offering me. Even with an EFC at 0, I thought these big, top colleges and universities would be more lenient. One school l applied to in California gave me the best deal. I was extremely surprised, as well as grateful.

I am from New England, and haven’t really left this area. This opportunity to go to school in California seemed too good to be true. I decided to defer for a year from the university so I can go after my year off. I would be stupid to pass up the chance to go to college in California. People would say to me “California, why aren’t you going now?!” While it would be awesome to go now, I just need a break away from school work.

As a junior in high school, I took community college courses. It was an amazing opportunity that I was given. I was able to graduate from high school with a semester’s worth of college courses completed. All of it for free, I might add. The college courses I took I found to be easy, and I did better in those courses than some in my high school curriculum. So I know what I’m getting myself into during college, except there will be more of it. I’m not concerned because through AmeriCorps, I will be getting real life experiences.

I’ll be learning things no school teacher or textbook could ever teach me. I have talked to college students now who are thrilled that I’m doing this; they wish they had done a year off. I know I won’t regret doing something like this, because not only is it amazing for me but it is amazing for the program I’m helping. If I were to just work 40+ hours a week, that would kind of suck. I would get my bills paid, and raise money for school, but that is kind of basic. With this, I’ll be doing good for someone besides myself, and that makes me extremely happy. I’m eager to have the chance to do this, and I cannot wait to make a difference through AmeriCorps. Anyone can take a gap year; you just have to get past the hate. People are going to give it to you regardless, so be you, and do what YOU want. Never let someone try and lead you in a direction you don’t want to go in. Be your own compass.

