Our First Fundraiser

Song Zheng
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2018

Bill Ma is a software engineer at TokBox, a real-time live video platform company based in San Francisco. After work, instead of going out to have fun or unwinding after a long day, he would take the Caltrain down to San Jose and teach our students JavaScript. He stays and teaches until midnight and then heads home to sleep. For the past year until now, Bill showed up consistently and passionately helped our students.

Despite his 5 years of coding experience as a software engineer, Bill patiently answers questions no matter how trivial. He understands the struggle of a someone with no tech background trying to learn coding. With Bill, you don’t have to worry about asking stupid questions or asking the same question twice.

On Saturdays, instead of nursing a hangover or picking a hobby, Bill volunteers at our local library. Along with our students, Bill teaches our local community of self learners about JavaScript and helps them solve problems they might be confused or stuck on. He also gives career advice to people making the hard decision to switch careers into learning coding.

This year, for his birthday, Bill Ma decided to start a fundraiser for GarageScript instead of receiving presents and kicked off our very first fundraiser! We are overwhelmed by the amount of support from his network of friends and amount he raised will go towards getting our first office space. With this office space, we can work with our local public assistance program to bring in new students.

Bill Ma has been doing all of these amazing things selflessly and we are all very fortunate to meet someone so kind and generous in the tech community.

Happy Birthday Bill, thank you for being such an amazing person.

