Counting Stars

Mahavishnu Balakrishnan
Garbage Collector


We have cosy beds and air conditioned rooms these days. But nothing beats the terrace. The cool breeze, the vast sky and sounds of insects give you the best sleep possible. But that’s only until the mosquito shift kicks in. But let’s not get into that today.

Today, I was checking in to relax my clouded thoughts. Usually when you look at the sky, it makes you forget your problems. Why? It brings in bigger questions. What’s the purpose of this world? What’s the purpose of life? Trying to define god,etc.

But today my thoughts pondered over a relatively simpler question. Where were the stars? I couldn’t find any today. When I was a kid, I used to play a game where you count the stars in the sky. That game would have been washed out today.

The simple explanation is light pollution. But light pollution is only hiding the stars from our eyes. There’s something that’s hiding our eyes from the stars. We look at a 14 inch screen at work and replace it with a 6 inch screen at home. Forget the stars, do we even pay enough attention to what’s around us?

My mother used to say there is one star for each one of us in the sky. Maybe there are no more stars because we have lost our individuality. We go behind the mob, do what everyone think is best. Instead of living our life in society, we try to showcase our life on social media.

The journey is always more important than the destination. But no, we don’t enjoy the journey. We want to reach the destination so bad. Once we do, we snap a selfie, post on social media and want to go to a bigger destination.

Problems only come for those who ignore their surroundings. Those who think they face the world against all odds. But the solution is as simple as living the moment. When you do that you find the solution to all your problems.

So putting thought to action, I removed my specs, paused my music, kept my phone aside and looked at the sky. My vision was poor, but my mind was not clouded anymore. And so was the sky, as it cleared to reveal a blurry image of a shining star.



Mahavishnu Balakrishnan
Garbage Collector

Programmer by choice. Writer by accident. Dreamer by default.