Rain Rain Come Again

Mahavishnu Balakrishnan
Garbage Collector
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2018

You gotta love the rain. It makes your regular travel much more eventful. When you have found your corner window seat, opened the screens, and hit your playlist, it means you’re ready. Ready to enjoy the rain to its fullest.

But what is enjoyment though? Being happy to see nature’s beauty unfold? On the contrary, no. Enjoyment does not come only with happiness. The “joy” in it is very misleading. Let me explain.

With the rain, comes a mixture of emotions. Nature plays a variety of music. When you sync one of it with your playlist, then you’ve hit the jackpot. Happiness, Sorrow, Love, anger, motivation, frustration – you can feel whatever you want to. Real enjoyment is feeling what you want to feel.

But why wait till then to release your emotions? Can’t you do it as and when you want to? The hard truth is, no. We share the world with others and hence it’s not advisable to do so. Emotions are viral. It means whatever we give out spreads to others as well.

For example, you attend your cousin’s wedding. Everyone is happy meeting up after a long time. Even if you are filled with sorrow, you cannot show it. So you give your fake smiles and joke around.

Does that mean we can’t share any of our emotions? Do we keep it to ourselves? You can share it if the person in conversation with feels likewise. Sorrow and sorrow, meshes well. But it’s hard to find someone who feels the same way. Until then all you can do is share happiness.

That’s why music is so important. You can relate to it, feel it the way you want to. There are lines that make you think are written especially for you. Sometimes you are so mesmerised by it, you fail to see a teardrop trickle down from your eyes, mistaking it for the rain water sliding down the window.

So happiness is overrated. It’s the fakest of them all. You want to show others you’re happy all the time. But are you? Social media is a prime example. It’s a bunch of people shouting to others, “Hey look I’m happy!!!”. “I’m enjoying my life”.

That’s why the rain is special. It brings out what you feel, it makes you cry, it makes you smile, but at the end of it all it gives you the biggest gift. RELIEF. So you can move on to enjoy other emotions as well. But what do I do if the same emotion comes back tomorrow, I wonder? At least I have my playlist ready. But will the rain be back too? One can only hope.



Mahavishnu Balakrishnan
Garbage Collector

Programmer by choice. Writer by accident. Dreamer by default.