Mahavishnu Balakrishnan
Garbage Collector
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2019


When you are up against the Universe…

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

What a wonderful quote.

But what if many people want the same thing?

Who will the universe choose?

It probably should choose the one who puts in the most effort, correct?

But how do you measure effort?

Everyone works. Some work hard. Some work smart.

Some are gifted by birth while others are underdogs, who fight every day to survive.

Who will the universe choose?

It’ll probably choose the underdog, correct?

They are after all the ones who put in the most effort.

But let me tell you, that’s where you are wrong.

Underdogs almost never win.

That’s why underdog wins make headlines.

So if you are an underdog, who has worked hard your entire life, I’ve got bad news for you.

The universe does not help you achieve your goal.

No, it’s going to throw lots of stones at you. It’s not going to stop unless you give up. It’s going to make life hard for you.

Even if you get past all that, somehow work hard enough to reach the top, the universe will show you someone who got there with NO EFFORT.

That’s how life is going to be.

But let me tell you a difference, between the underdog and the gifted.

Only one enjoys life to the fullest.

Because only he knows the effort it took to get there.



Mahavishnu Balakrishnan
Garbage Collector

Programmer by choice. Writer by accident. Dreamer by default.