A Change in the Weather

And everything else

Nanci Arvizu
Garden of Neuro


Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

Life is a series of changes. Every day brings its challenges, different from yesterday and who knows what might happen tomorrow?

In the Garden, we are feeling the seasonal shift — from cold to warm, to cold again. Schedules are controlled by the weather and other influences outside ourselves that force us to change our plans, disrupt our schedules and alter our habits.

All of which are important to us in internal and external ways. The titles of the hats we are wearing at any given time don’t always fit, and, they don’t always matter — it really depends on what is a priority, Right Now.

In life we can find ourselves being pulled in many different directions. How do you shift in these moments? Do you ‘grow with the flow’ or do you find yourself struggling against the tide?

This is the idea behind a new anthology, asking women how their habits can ‘change like the weather,’ or how we ‘weather change with grace.’ I hope you are able to find the connections between your habits, your joy, and your dreams, and share them with others who may need the wisdom you are sharing. (I know I’d like to hear it!)

Visit the Garden of Neuro to discover all the ways women are supported during times of challenges, celebrations and most of all — the changes that have a way of helping us get to where we are meant to be.

When a woman shares her story, she changes the world, a few words at a time.


So many sprouts in the Garden!

Beginning March 1, 2023, the Garden of Neuro will begin accepting ‘Intentions’ for the 2023–24 Poet Laureate. We chose the word ‘intentions’ over application because this fits what the opportunity is truly about; the intention to do what is right for the person who embraces the role while sharing their passion for poetry and growing this magical Garden space.

Visit here to learn more about this unique opportunity to share your passion for poetry in the Garden of Neuro.

The Garden Vision Course continues to be a member favorite. New members are immersed in the original vision of the Garden from Founder Susan Brearley and those who have been in the Garden for a while are constantly amazed by the continued guidance this course offers. As each new member ventures down this path, we all share in the experience. If you’ve not ‘taken this walk’ with Susan, it is highly recommended. If you have, take a moment to support those who are experiencing it for the first time and welcome them to the Garden and all its possibilities.

The Happiness Course is a fun way to find joy in life while supporting Garden through a monthly subscription. With weekly prompts and tools to help find happiness in even the busiest of lives, this course will help you connect to the joy in your life and the Garden community.

The Let’s Publish Circle is forming cohorts of 4 writers with similar interests who are seeking a supportive, committed writing group. These groups are meant to help each member write their best work through feedback and support in weekly gatherings where work is discussed. Join the Let’s Publish Circle and get your work finished — and published, while connecting with others who are on the same path.

Treading Through The Muddle is about to have a makeover! Course Creator Shalu Ahuja feels it is time to update the course with her latest findings on how we work through the muck in our life in order to grow the lotus. This course had helped many women see what is keeping them stuck and how to move through the muddle with grace and ease — and a little bit of homework. But have no fear! Shalu’s gentle guidance will have you ‘up on the balcony,’ in no time at all. Join the class now and receive the updates as they happen!

Thinking of Creating a Course in the Garden? We have a course for that! We put this course together to guide you through the steps of what it takes to create a course in the Garden and share your wisdom with others. In the Garden our goal is to help women expand their niche in this ever-growing community, meaning we are here to help you host, create and market your courses. Check out the “I’m New to the Garden” collection where Create a Course and other courses are available to help you grow in the Garden.

Do you have a business or service you’d like to share in the Garden? Join the Networking Cafe and for less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks a month, connect with other women who have a product or service to share while supporting the Garden.

Find courses by visiting the Garden Menu or using the Search Bar. There is a lot Growing in the Garden!

The Talk received submissions from a wide variety of contributors who shared stories that are deep, emotional, and important. In the live online events held to celebrate these authors sharing their stories, we found the need for more of these stories to be shared overwhelming.

The Talk has been changed to receive submissions year-round. We hope this Open Call for Submissions will encourage others to share the stories that must be shared in families of color as their children step out into a world that may not see them as the unique individuals they are and what they might bring to the world.

The Garden is seeking submissions for the upcoming Garden Journal Magazine. Publishing a ‘real, print magazine,’ has been a goal in the Garden for a long time and we are preparing for this dream to become a reality. We will be accepting essays, stories, poetry, photography, reviews, and more for this bi-annual print Magazine. Watch for submission information coming soon.

Jennifer Gehl shared her monthly astrological vibrations in this video. Jennifer offers these monthly affirmations as well as providing personalized readings, to see what the stars tell us and help us understand and navigate the paths we walk.

Rebecca Barrett shared Lingering in Simplicity in the Garden of Neuro Publication hosted on Medium. Rebecca created this piece during the Garden’s Live Writing Session where works are shared for support and feedback.

Northern Notes

creator Lisa Bolin shares another wonderful moment of her life in the northern regions of our planet. Her words and photos open windows to scenery and thoughts inspired by the beauty she finds in her daily life. Read her latest post, Looking to the Heavens here.

Do you write on Medium? The Garden of Neuro hosts several publications on Medium and welcomes writers from the Garden to submit their work.

Garden of Neuro on Medium. Share your Garden experiences from Kitchen Table Talks, Books Clubs, or other ways this community inspires and supports you.

Law of Connections. Share stories of the connections humans make, from the planned to the spontaneous things that make life interesting.

To The Summit. This is where we share our big thoughts, those dreams, and ideas we feel called to explore.

Running the Garden takes time, energy, planning, and the support of a strong, dedicated community.

The Garden of Neuro Institute began as a seed of an idea and has grown into a sprouting membership of nearly 1500 women since opening the Garden Gate in November 2020. As our membership increases, so too does the work and the expenses that go with creating, maintaining, and expanding this unique and special place.

Consider supporting the Garden of Neuro Institute using this link. We thank you for your one-time or monthly support. Your contribution will help grow the Garden to the next level, where we begin to blossom.

Even the smallest donations keep the bees buzzing!

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