Haibun Poetry Challenge Day 9


Nolcha Fox
Garden of Neuro
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2024


shards of pottery on the ground
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Please join us in our March Garden of Medium haibun challenge!

A haibun is a combination of prose and haiku.

Today’s prompt: shards

Broken Again
by Nolcha Fox

All of me is shards, as though I were a bowl, a mirror, pomegranate, something whole that death smashed with a fist. My insides greet the outside, I can’t find the glue to make the pieces fit. I’m told to sit in chaos, let the rain, the wind, the snow blow through. Someday, I’m told, I’ll find myself together, someone different than I was before my family left me, one by one, to wonder how I came to be so fragile when I stand alone.

I carry a broom
and dustpan to keep me
together when I leave the house.

by Vivi Sojorhn

I have to admit that Hans Christian Andersen and Danny Kaye both hold Influence over me. One dark one light, in that order. Andersen, though, doubtlessly held some respect for the feminine, whereas Kaye seemed only desirous of getting in our pants through all that flirty joke-fullness. I bring them together here with respect to shards and cracks and inchworms and their relationship with each other, again…

