6 Ways You Can Garden Smarter to Slash Rising Food Costs

Just planting a few easy-to-grow edibles can lead to real savings on your grocery bill — if you plant wisely

Claire Splan
Garden to Table


Photo by Anne Preble on Unsplash

It’s becoming clear that food prices are going nowhere but up. Inflation has been with us for about a year but now that sanctions on Russia are shifting energy costs, people who are a lot smarter than me about economics assure us that virtually everything will become more expensive.

If you’re looking for ways to keep your food bill from spiraling out of control, take a look outside. Your garden can be your gateway to savings, especially if you use the following techniques to maximize your harvests.

And if you don’t have a garden?

All of the following methods can work in containers on a balcony, porch, or patio. Some can even work indoors on a sunny windowsill.

Start with Seeds

Of course, you can always go to a local nursery and buy a six-pack or 4-inch pot of veggie seedlings, but for real savings start with seeds. A packet of seeds from a reputable seed company generally runs between $2.50 and $4.00. You’ll get far more plants from one pack of seeds, and you can do repeat sowings staggered over the season to keep your harvests…



Claire Splan
Garden to Table

Author/Editor. Writes about gardening, writing, etc. Medium Publications: Garden to Table and Writing in Place.