Tutorial on Gardener Monitor

Ekin Tuna
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2019

At Gardener we provide a free and open source Blockchain Oracle implementation. As the Oracle itself is running on the back end we wanted to create a tool that demonstrates what is happening on-chain when a call is made to Gardener. Below, we explain step-by-step how you can test Gardener through our Monitor!

Go to the website
When you enter monitor.gardeneroracle.io a Metamask plugin pops up. If you don’t have Metamask installed yet, you can add it as a plugin to your browser. In this tutorial we have used Mozilla Firefox as the browser.

For more details on Metamask and how to install it please have a look at the their website.

Connect to Ropsten Testnet
The monitor is connected to the Ropsten Test Network. Make sure to select Ropsten from the menu out of the available networks. The benefit of using a test network is that you won’t need to pay actual Ether to complete the transaction, but you can use test Ether instead. If you don’t yet have test Ether in your Ropsten address you can obtain them from the Ropsten Network Faucet.

The Monitor can observe Gardener in any other Ethereum Network as well. However, before doing so, the Gardener contract has to be deployed to the network.

It is important to select the Ropsten Test Network and not the Main Ethereum Network. Sending transactions in the Main network will cost actual Ether, and it cannot be recovered once send.

Insert a query in the text box
You can type your own query in the text field, or use one of our premade ones. To access the premade queries double click the text field and a few standard options will pop up. You are free to fetch any other data using custom queries. Just make sure to specify the query correctly.

For example, the current Bitcoin price from Coindesk can be accessed by using the following query:


Confirm the transaction
Metamask will open a popup that will ask to confirm the transaction. In the popup you can find all the relevant details such as sender, recipient and the GAS fee.

Double check that all the data is correct. Especially, that you are using the Ropsten Test Network, and that there are no Ether being sent. When you have checked everything just hit confirm!

Wait for the transaction confirmation
The transaction confirmation takes some time. It can be up to two minutes because of the block time in Ethereum. All you need to do now is to wait for the reply. You can click the popup to see the status of the transaction on Etherscan. The monitor will also update automatically and display all the data once the transaction has been processed.

Finally, make more requests!
Gardener and the Monitor can handle a lot of requests, so don’t be shy and test as many queries as you’d like!

If you want to customize the Monitor to your use case you can fork it from our Github.

To find out more about Gardener check out our website and join our Slack!

