Broccoli Plants Planted

After being “hardened off” and sugar snap peas and other seeds

K. Barrett
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure


Broccoli, Photos, K.Barrett, author


I thought I planned ahead this season but I was still a little late. The Burpee Burgundy broccoli seeds I wanted were out of stock, they only had plants. I was a little worried about shipping. But, the seedlings arrived in a cardboard box mailer. Very safe and well packaged.

Broccoli is in the cold crop family so it can be planted before the frost is for sure, for sure, gone. Where I live the last frost is supposed to be April 15th. So, the time is right. Burpee times their deliveries for growing regions so I think I am safe to plant now.

I planned on just jumping right in and planting the seedlings. I have never heard of “hardening off”. It makes great sense, let the plants acclimate like you do hardwood flooring before installing. I placed my plants outside for the daytime and brought them in at night. (I am sure this is something I should have heard of before!)

“Harding off” toughens the plan’s cell structure and reduce transplant shock and scalding. Burpee

I planted them a little closer than what is recommended. My space is limited. I hope my crop isn’t! I can’t wait to see the tight firm purple buds ready to harvest! The expected harvest is in 50–60 days.



K. Barrett
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

Awe ambassador. Nature and travel photographer. Also, an educator, mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Sharing the power of awe with the world.