Do You Enjoy Birdwatching? Project FeederWatch Begins November 1st

Sign Up Now For This Wonderful Citizen Science Project

Dan Pfeifer
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure


Courtesy of Project FeederWatch

Welcome Back. Now that Fall has officially begun and the gardening season is winding down rapidly, it will soon be time to focus my attention on birdwatching. We had a touch of frost here Saturday morning (24th) but not enough to do much damage. Last evening, I heard and saw the first geese flying over. Although I don’t have all of my bird feeders up yet, I have been putting a little seed on the platform feeder I leave up year-round. I have been getting some Blue Jays, Northern Cardinals, Mourning doves, House sparrows and finches, and a few others. Soon more birds will visit as the weather turns colder and Winter approaches. Hopefully, I will also have some migrating birds visit.

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The weather lately has featured below-normal temperatures and rainy periods. We received over 5 inches of rain in September, thus everything has greened up compared to August. The lawn is growing more now than all Summer. As I wrote in a recent article, the garden is still producing but winding down as I start the cleanup process of those plants that have died off:



Dan Pfeifer
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

Stories on gardening, birding, outdoor adventure, retirement advice, and weather. Everything NY Mets! Join today at