Give Birdwatching a Try-A Great Hobby

A Great Time to Start-Project FeederWatch Has Begun

Dan Pfeifer
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure


Blue Jay/Author Photo

Welcome back. If you're currently into birdwatching or are thinking of trying it as a hobby, now is a great time to start. For several good reasons. As of November 13th, Project FeederWatch has begun, which means you can count and photograph birds that visit your feeder(s). By doing so you are participating in a very worthwhile citizen science project that tracks bird populations and locations, thereby helping in overall bird conservation efforts.

Recently I wrote several articles about birdwatching, which covered some “how to” information to get started and the joy it can bring to your life.

How to Participate



Dan Pfeifer
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

Stories on gardening, birding, outdoor adventure, retirement advice, and weather. Everything NY Mets! Join today at