Happy Hues From a Garden Long Gone

Part 1: 2022 in review | Garden dwellers

A slice of Ghibli

2022 has been a year of consciously cultivated happiness. I owe most of that to plants and animals. And to a garden that I lost.

Undeserved Grace

Mid-year — shifted to a new place, within the same city.

That meant leaving the much-adored gardens behind.. it was a sad affair.

A lightning bolt. Jacaranda in bloom at night

Looking back, the gardens - a large front one and a small backyard, were the absolute bliss of my life.

Watching the barren place come alive with plants and wildlings within a few months was an unreal experience. Had I not witnessed the transformation first-hand, I’d have found it impossible to believe. And all I did was till the soil a bit, channeled some water…


Flints of gold

Each winter I’d bring home dozens of these violets — as many colours as I could find. They’re my forever favourites. Somehow they never flourished in the ground, but always multiplied vigourously in containers. I think of heaven as a field overrun with clovers and violets.

I was thrilled to discover (pixie?) lupins in my local nursery and promptly bagged five colours. The blush pink/almost cream one was the knockout choice.

Rose is a plant that blooms with much grace and pomp.. and why not?? Look at this perfection!

Splendid in mauve

Unsure what I love more about Pelargoniums, their sweet colours or the amazing, mango-ish fragrance…

Now you see me | Now you don’t

Some more violets… I’d appreciate if someone can help solve the mystery of the left one.

(L) This came as a single plant — but kept morphing into 4–5 different hues | (R) Clumps of violets and impatiens

Profile of a violently violet pansy.

Put down a carpet of sweet alyssums in the backyard — best decision ever. Pollinators loved these dainty blossoms, I loved the whiff of the sweetness each time I stepped out into the garden. Another forever favourite.

A forest

A ton of purples and blues.. Pansies rock.

This young mulberry was my favourite neighbour. It started fruiting in 2021.

Adieu, friend

These fabulous writers & nature lovers make my every day extraordinary with their keen observations… do check their work out if you haven’t yet 🍀 Louise Peacock | LucianoSphere | Ivy Shepherd | Dennett | Taimen | Sharing Words | Zuzanna Żak | Anne Bonfert | Alison Moore



A mote of dust
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

I write about the other living things, and my life. Gardener, wildlife watcher.