In The Garden This Week

My favourite time of year, probably

Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure


Allium flowers. Photo by author
Allium flowers. Photo by author

This time of year is wonderful in the garden. The plants are beginning to flower and things look relatively neat and tidy. All is lush green (thanks to the big storm last week!).

My Alliums are flowering! I recently rescued these from a friend’s garden that was being restyled and they are looking pretty against the fence. Quite incredible really because the soil there is poor, builder’s rubble in fact. Some soil improvement is definitely required this year. Let’s hope the alliums can survive.

Aquilegia aka Columbines. Photos by author

You may know that Aquilegia is one of my favourite flowers, and I allow them to self-seed at will. They’ve popped up in several places all over the garden, and this year there are purples as usual, as well as some delicate pink ones, like little ballet tutus. If you enjoy Aquilegia, you might like this story…

