Plant Parenting — Have you heard of the term?…do check out

Photo by Aniston Grace on Unsplash

Gardening is the practice of growing and nurturing plants in the spaces around the house. It could be in the front yard or back yard or as a kitchen garden. Utilizing the space on the terrace to grow plants is called Terrace gardening. In urban cities where there is limited space, this style of gardening is greatly in practice.

Photo by Lisette Harzing on Unsplash

You can grow flowers, fruits, or vegetables in your garden. Colorful plants enhance the beauty of the garden. They invite numerous living beings like butterflies, birds, and bees.

Utilizing the space close to your kitchen, you can grow a small kitchen garden. Vegetables and fruit wastes that come from the kitchen can be converted into organic compost to use as manure for the plants.

Plant Parenting: what is it?

Lately, there is a term circulating on social media called — Plant Parents. Child parenting and Pet parenting are known…but what is this Plant Parenting or Plant Parents? who are they?

So this is a term that millennials on social media who grow and care for plants are calling themselves. Yes! this generation of Gardeners are calling themselves Plant Parents.

Though it is a new generational thought…it completely makes sense.

Like human babies and animal pets, plants do need our love and care, along with water, air, sunlight, and manure that we provide, for their healthy growth.

You might have observed many times in your garden, that your favorite plant that you like the most, is flourishing well as compared to other plants in spite of the same amount of water, air, and sunlight.

As I have read before, in one of the tribal traditions, whenever they want to cut a tree, they don't cut it directly. Instead, they form a group, gather around the tree, and start yelling at it… as a result, the tree dries up and falls.

This might sound harsh…but it's an example to see how plants also have emotions. They need love, care, and attention to grow well.

Having a kitchen garden:

I suggest everybody must have a kitchen garden. It is basically growing veggies like tomatoes, chilies, carrots, cabbage, cilantro, fenugreek, mint, basil, and many more in the space available close to the kitchen.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Backyard gardens could be the best way to grow your own vegetables, using kitchen waste…making the best out of waste.

If you ask me plants are my best friends…every morning it excites me to go see my plants…to see, how much have they grown, how many new buds or fruits have come out, how many flowers bloomed today…and more.

As the days progress, there is a special connection or a bond that develops between us.

Gardening as a hobby

Gardening as a hobby is extremely beneficial.

1. Having those beautiful flowers grown outside decorating the space is a pleasure to the eyes. For a person like me who loves flowers… it becomes a reason to wake up early in the morning.

2. Watering the plants, cleaning up dried leaves, digging up for new ones, manuring them- and more gives a good, morning exercise along with tons of fresh oxygen. Do you need to do any gym or yoga classes more than this?

3. Spending time in a garden and interacting with nature has been proven to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. It can be a therapeutic and calming experience.

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

To conclude, starting a garden can be as simple as having a few potted plants on a balcony or creating a small backyard garden. Whether it’s for growing your own food, creating a relaxing space, or simply enjoying the process of nurturing living things, gardening offers a wide range of benefits and pleasures for individuals of all ages and abilities.



Archana Pishe
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

I am a mother, homemaker, more importantly an enthusiastic person, who wants to share my knowledge, experience and learnings through writing.