The Source of the Severn

Birthplace of the UK’s longest river

Source of the Severn © Simon Whaley

Surreptitiously seeping from the pores of Plynlimon, the River Severn, begins its magical journey from the highest peak in Mid-Wales to become the longest River in Britain.

Meandering through the Welsh borders, it has seen several civilisations build settlements along its 221-mile route as it winds its way towards the sea at the Bristol Channel.

So important is this river, that during the 17th Century, this vein of life was the second-busiest River in Europe.

The peat plateau of Plylimon © Simon Whaley

Anyone standing at its source, though, may be forgiven for feeling momentarily let down. For such a grand and significant natural wonder as this, one imagines that there should be a giant fountain, or geyser, shooting water majestically up into the air as it begins the long, downhill journey.

But there isn’t. Instead, a tall wooden post in the peat bogs near Plynlimon’s summit marks the damp puddle where the waters of the Severn first glimpse the light of day.

Stopping to survey the surroundings for a few minutes though soon puts the awe back into awe-inspiring. From this vast area of peat bog, with its almost…

