A short but exciting update

Tomatoes (and peppers? and potatoes??) for the balcony orchard

A surprise as my tomato seeds germinated from one day to the other. And maybe also my pepper seeds? Plus a curious plant that gives both potatoes and tomatoes!

In my latest article reporting the evolution of my garden, I briefly disclosed my disappointment about my tomato and pepper seeds not growing. I even mentioned that I would have to get some plants myself.

So right yesterday morning I went for a couple of plants, left them under some shade in the balcony, and went to work. When I came back late in the afternoon I was ready to plant them in their pots when I discovered this:

Tens of tomato seeds had germinated in one day! These have been very warm days with max temperatures passing 25 C, which probably helped. Here they are:

The tomato seeds right the day they germinated. All photos by author Luciano Abriata.



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

https://www.lucianoabriata.com | Scientific writing, technology integrator, programming, biotech, bioinformatics.| Have a job for me? Contact me in ES FR EN IT