Photo By SteveR- via Flickr

Catching Snails….. with Beer

David Cohn
Gardening - Kicks Ass
2 min readMar 25, 2013


Gardening kicks ass. But you know what doesn’t …. snails. There are all kinds of sustainable ways to remove snails. You can try picking them by hand, but they only come out when it’s moist (late at night until the sun comes up), and who has the time for that!

You can use various snail pellets, many of which are safe for plants, but in abundance even the safest snail pellets will harm the soil.

You can try the legendary copper tape fence. But you may be fencing snails in and I’ve also been told that some snails have a high tolerance for the natural electrical shock it produces and will tough through it to get to the other side.

The trick I used: Beerigation

Fact: snails are attracted to yeast.

Fact: Beer contains yeast

Therefore: Snails are attracted to beer

End result: They drown their sorrows. Land snails breathe air. While they can survive in water for a period of time - they can survive in beer even less and often get too drunk to climb out in time (at least, that’s what I imagine).

Tip: Sprinkle some dry yeast in your beer to make it even more attractive.

Tip: Bury your bowl of beer so that the top is flush with the ground. While not required, this will make it easier for the snails to climb in - and no easier for them to climb out. The deeper the bowl, the better (plates won’t work - they’ll just climb out.

Badass-tip: You can throw the snails out once they are dead OR if you are truly badass - you can bury them in your soil. They will decompose and provide nutrients to your garden. Note: Make sure to strain the beer (don’t put that in the soil) and make sure to bury them a few inches down to avoid attracting insects.


Q: Is “beerigation” trademarked?

A: No. But if are nice you will send me $2 in the mail every time you use the phrase.

Q: How long does a beer pour last?

A: A few days. I haven’t done too much testing, but I found new snails every morning for about 3 days, then I would pour in a fresh beer with new yeast smell.

Q: Do they prefer a type of beer?

A: I asked, but they were all dead. Any cheap Bud/Pabst should do the trick

