How to catch fruit flies

Cause they are annoying as all hell

David Cohn
Gardening - Kicks Ass
2 min readJul 30, 2013


If you compost, you may get some fruit flies around your compost. If the compost is outside. Great

If you are like me, however, you have a bucket on your deck where you put scraps before you bring them down to your compost. And if you accidentally don’t close the lid on that properly — you may invite a fruit fly into your house.

There is no such thing as just ONE fruit fly.

If you see one: Immediately hide all sources of potential food. Because they multiply very fast. If you are lazy like me — you’ll end up with an infestation in a few days and you’ll have to battle your way back.


Get yourself a bottle with a small opening at the top that then opens up to a larger bottle. Picture a wine bottle. In fact, if you have a wine bottle — that is perfect. Also acceptable — a plastic soda bottle.

Put some apple cider vinager in the container. Make sure to wipe any liquid that might spill onto the rim of the container. Don’t have apple cider vinager — wine will also work (make great use of that last sip of wine in the bottle — just leave it there).

You don’t need that much liquid. Just enough for the smell to come up.

Create a funnel: Use some paper and roll it up. This effectively extends the long-funnel part of the container. Make sure to tape it at the lid.

Fruit flies will find there way into the bottle — but they won’t find there way out.

