Log Your Weather Data to Google Sheets! (IFTTT Services)

Garin Ichsan Nugraha
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2020

Hi guys! Hope you’re all fine. welcome to our second project in our final project of Embedded System using ESP32. We’ll try to configure our ESP32 to read the temperature and humidity with DHT11 like what we’ve done before. After the ESP32 got the data, it will store the data log in Google Spread Sheets with the help of IFTTT Webhooks Service.

First, create IFTTT Account if you don’t have one, and then create an Applet using Webhooks as a trigger and Google Sheets as an output. Configure the action field and done. Go to the Webhooks Service and hit the documentation button, you’ll get your IFTTT URL Resource that we’ll use to send the data from ESP32 to Google Sheets.

action field configuration and IFTTT URL Resource

After you’ve done with the IFTTT, lets start with the schematic. We’ll use our default schematic with the DHT11 that we usually use. Here is the look of it.

Then, all we need to do is to configure the code that we’ll use to program the ESP32 to read the temperature and humidity using DHT11 and then store it in our Google Spreadsheet. So here is our code that you can try it your own.

Compile and run the code with your Arduino IDE and open your Google Spreadsheets that you use to store the data, it will fill your sheet with the temperature and humidity data of the DHT11 every 3 seconds. Check it out!

Amazing isn’t it? Try it your own!

See ya in our next project!!

