Reverse! Input Data from Web to Your ESP32.

Garin Ichsan Nugraha
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2020

Hi there! it’s already our 3/4 final project that make us happy because finally it will be done and also sad because we wont publish our experiment in this project anymore after it is done. But let’s think about it later. This time we’ll try to input some data in web browser and then store it in our ESP32.

We wont need a schematic in this project because we just need our ESP32 to do this experiment. So let’s jump to the code. Here’s the code for you to try it your own!

Try to run the program, get the IP Address from the serial monitor, input something and then check your serial monitor again. Magic show it’s true form. ^,^

Isn’t it fun to play with ESP32?

See ya in our next (last) project!!

