— How to create your own theme

Marina Leroy
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

Hello everyone!

One of’s features is adding your touch to the themes and choosing the words to be drawn on your gaming night. So we’re here to help you understand how to!

  1. To create a personalized theme, you must be logged in and use the Web version of the game! So, choose one of the five social media platforms available.

2. Once you do that, click on “Rooms.”

3. Then, go to “NEW ROOM”

4. Go to “+ CREATE THEME” at the top of the page, and it will redirect you to the Theme Lab. Or, scroll down the page, pick a theme, and click on “+ CREATE” if you prefer.

5. Start crafting your theme! Choose a name from the official list, such as Animals, Objects, Flags, or Foods.

If you want to create a theme about something different than the options available, use the names “Others, Generic.”

Also, players can always suggest new categories by getting in touch with us at

6. Start choosing the words! You must type them in the “Create Words” section, select the difficulty (easy, medium, or hard), and click on “+ ADD.

While you’re adding the words, they’ll appear on the right side of your screen with the color code indicating the difficulty:

Don’t worry about adding the same word twice because the system will warn you if that happens.

7. When you finish choosing the words you want, click on “SAVE.” Remember, you need at least 50 words to compose the theme!

8. Your new theme will appear at the beginning of the list before the official ones. It will also be tagged as “CREATED BY YOU” so you can identify it more easily.

PS: Feel free to make changes anytime by clicking “EDIT.” You can either remove words, add others, or delete the theme.

9. All done! Click on “NEW ROOM” and start playing with your personalized theme.

If you choose to leave the room visible instead of private, the credits for creating the theme will pop up for the players when they enter the room.

We hope this tutorial suits you well, and if you still have any questions, get in touch with us at



Marina Leroy
Writer for

she/her | belo horizonte, brazil | languages intern and writer at @onrizon @gartic