Playing Gartic Phone Safely: Essential Tips for Gamers and Streamers

Marina Leroy
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2023

This post is for our Gartic Phone streamers and players. To ensure our community stays happy and healthy, we wanted to share some extra safety tips to use alongside the Moderation Tool and keep things even safer.

Moderation Tool

As we explained here in detail, we have a moderation tool that allows a moderator to review and block drawings and sentences from appearing in the match. This tool was added to the game so the player has more control over the match, preventing any inappropriate content made by other players from being displayed.

Besides that, there are a few other ways to keep your game and live stream safe:

Authenticated Rooms

When you create authenticated rooms, all players must log in on Discord or Twitch to enter them. So you can be sure about their identity since the nicknames will be either the official nametag or username from that platform.

Twitch ban list

When creating Twitch authenticated room, in addition to this first protection measurement, Gartic Phone will read the list of your channel’s banned viewers and automatically block them from joining — it saves you a little work!

Kick user

As the host, you can remove any player before the game starts. So when you see someone on the player’s list you don’t want to play with, click on the “x” icon to kick them, and they won’t be able to return since the kick list is connected to the room. (If you want to “undo” it and allow that player to join again, you must create a new room).

Note: when you kick someone out of an authenticated room, they cannot enter it again with that same account!

Call people you trust and know

Our game has no public rooms cause it was made to be played on a more personal level. So, you have to worry less about moderation when playing with friends and people you know because setting rules and boundaries is easier.

Set rules from the beginning

Being transparent is essential to guarantee that everyone is on the same page, and with that, you can ensure the players are aware of the boundaries and rules before you start playing.

Of course, any behavior against Gartic Phone’s Terms of Service is forbidden, but you may prefer an even more filtered match or set specific rules that make sense in the context you’re playing.

Individual Invite

To control access to the room, you can send individual invites to people, with each invitation being single-use only. This means that you need to create a new invite for each person. By doing so, you can ensure that only people you trust can access it, as they cannot share the link with anyone else you may not know or trust.

Playing in voice chat

Playing during a voice call is always more enjoyable, but it can also be a safety precaution if you are aware of the platform’s Terms of Service and use the available tools if someone misbehaves.

For example, with moderation permissions on a Discord voice channel, you can kick, mute or restrict someone who displays disruptive behavior on call, besides kicking them out of the Gartic Phone match afterward, as mentioned.

So we believe using Discord or even non-gaming platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams while playing is best.

To wrap it up, we want to mention that it’s quite common for people to share the room’s link on social media, live stream chats, and other platforms. However, when you do that, you lose control over who joins in. So, we advise against sharing it casually because you never really know people’s intentions (especially online), and you might end up letting players with ill intentions into your game session.

The protection tools exist to prevent any disruption and are more effective when combined, but the host is the only one that can ensure the live stream/game is safe by following the safety measurements.

We wish you a safe — and fun — gaming time! Hope we got to help you a little more and use our Moderation Tool wisely!



Marina Leroy
Writer for

she/her | belo horizonte, brazil | languages intern and writer at @onrizon @gartic