The Official Apollo 11 NASA Moon Landing Photos are out of this World (PICS)

Evan Guerra
Weird Seek
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2015

The day was July 20, 1969. The time was 20:18 UTC. The location was the MOON as American Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped gingerly off the landing modular and uttered his now famous words.

“Thats one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”

Armstrong’s words ended a battle that had been waging for over a decade, to put a man on our ocean altering friend, the Moon.

As the world was glued live to their old-school TV screens Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin began an hour long exploration of the lunar surface as Michael Collins waited anxiously overhead in the command spacecraft for their safe return.

Out of this historic day not only came America’s stamp on space exploration but also a collection of stunning photographs of what they got up to off screen. NASA has made these photographs publicly accessible via their website

Over fifty years have passed since that unforgettable day and the naysayers have been putting their knives into NASA ever since; calling the landing a fake.

Taking a look at these photographs proves otherwise. If they are faked, then lets hope the artistic director of the project was duly compensated for his or hers outstanding work.

Be Amazed. Enjoy.

1. The Apollo 11 crew during training. May 24, 1969.

2. Apollo 11 liftoff from launch tower camera.

3. Moon crater 308 viewed from orbit.

4. Earthrise viewed from lunar orbit prior to landing.

5. Neil Armstrong works at the LM.

6. Buzz Aldrin stands beside LM strut and probe.

7. Buzz Aldrin unpacking experiments.

8. Buzz Aldrin saluting the U.S Flag.

9. Buzz Aldrin posing for a photograph.

10. Buzz Aldrin’s foot selfie on Moon surface.

11. Armstrong in the LM after his historic moonwalk.

12. The crescent Earth photographed during the return trip.

13. NASA Mission Control celebrates after Apollo returns.

14. Apollo 11 astronauts home, greeted by their wives.

15. The look on every Russian’s face that fateful day…

