The Hilarious Hysteria of Coffee Worship

Caffeine-fueled mockery

Gary L Ellis
Gary Writes Life


Image Credit: Design by Author with Canva

Brace yourselves for a dose of caffeine-fueled mockery! Today, we delve into the quirky world of coffee drinking, a phenomenon that has taken society by storm.

Join me as we navigate the labyrinthine streets of java junkies and explore the absurdity that lies within every foamy sip.

The Religion

In this day and age, coffee is more than just a beverage — it’s a religion, a cult of the jittery-eyed, sleep-deprived masses. We’ve all witnessed the ritualistic dance of the coffee shop queue: the devoted disciples standing in line, clutching their empty vessels as if they were the Holy Grail itself, awaiting their sacred elixir to awaken their dormant spirits.

Oh, the absurdity of it all! As the baristas don their mystical aprons, adorned with symbols resembling winged beans and frothing angels, they perform their sacred latte art rituals. Behold, the divine intervention of fern-shaped froth or the ethereal depiction of a swan delicately swimming atop the surface of a latte, heralding the impending arrival of caffeine-induced enlightenment!

Peculiar Vocabulary

But let us not overlook the peculiar vocabulary of the coffee connoisseurs. As they peruse the menu, their…



Gary L Ellis
Gary Writes Life

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!