Question Suggestion for Facebook Group Communities using NLP

Fetch Quora Questions Relevant to our Most Popular Posts

Gary-Yau Chan
Gary Yau Chan
2 min readMar 15, 2016





  • Admins and moderators want conversations that increase engagement inside their Facebook Group.


  • Alternative to “What do you want to share?” text area placeholder by triggering content ideation.

Use Case

  • This app provides prompts and ideas for scheduling thoughtful conversations.
  • Questions revives social chatter and continues ongoing conversations based on your most popular content.
  • Members can buffer multiple questions ideas in one session.
  • Can be use for Twitter and LinkedIn as well.

Assumptions to Validate

  • What is the Text / Image / Article share ratio used via Buffer ?
  • Are members more responsive to questions versus sharing content?
  • Are there any alternative to ideating engagement?

Added Value

  • Goal is to creates conversations through message and text rather than recycle content.
  • Buffer helps distribute content, but engagement metrics with the content remains underutilized.
  • Facebook Questions is personalized based on previous content and post success.
  • Used to drive a community environment inside Facebook Group.



  • Based on identifying highly engaged topic inside Facebook Group, members can follow up with question writing ideas.
  • The underlying technology here is providing recommendations based on keywords parsed from post message.
  • Alternative to Buffer Suggestions, where categories-based NLP bubbles up to topic too general to create meaningful adjacent ideas.
  • Question prompts are collected from Quora, GrowthHackers Ask GH, HackerNews Ask HN, etc..


  • Number of Comments on question-post
  • Number of Comments by multiple members
  • Number of Replies to comments by other members
  • Number of Likes via questions



Gary-Yau Chan
Gary Yau Chan

Growing Social Networks; Growth Product @Unsplash;