Discover whether Intercom leads turn into clients…

Chatting with all those site visitors can feel super productive, but it can be hard to know whether it’s worth the time spent.

Zach Goldie
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017


After all, they might be tire-kickers who were only vaguely interested. Well, now you can uncover the true value they’re bringing to your business.

Cross checking Intercom with Pipedrive

The key part is to match the leads between Intercom and your CRM. We don’t pretend that’s easy, partly as that’s where we come in…

Yes, we have an app.

Gasket is a tool to automate data tasks like this. It lets you perform a ‘join’ to connect the data from two apps.

It will match the email addresses between your chosen apps, importing those that match into your Google Sheet. That way you get a table of Intercom leads, complete with their value and current sales stage from Pipedrive.

You could even create a graph to compare their funnel progress to leads from other sources.

Filtering the leads down further

Want to see how this differs by owner?

Instead of having to muck about with ordering and deleting a load of entries, Gasket can filter down the data. Once it’s matched it up, you can add an instruction to filter down the data with a few clicks.

This could go for removing leads that didn’t get past your first stage, orders below a certain value…anything that interests you.

One-click-update the status of your Intercom leads

Maybe you discover it’s too soon to tell, so you want to check again later?

Well with Gasket it only takes a single click. It will remember the filters you gave it so with one click you can sync the latest data.

That way you can get an instant update to see the client value that Intercom is bringing into your business.

How to get started

Gasket is free to join today at

From there, the stages will be:

  1. Connect the apps you want to use
  2. Make a gasket to join and filter the data
  3. Add the gasket into your google sheet
  4. Build any graphs or reports around it
  5. Hit the sync button to your heart’s content

So what are you waiting for? Join Gasket today to discover the value of your time spent on Intercom.

