Find out more about your users with Intercom and Gasket

Announcing the Intercom integration with Gasket 🎉

Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2017


We all know creating reports is a nightmare. Exporting CSVs, formatting the data in a spreadsheet, getting refreshed data when you need it, and then formatting it again to suit the new data! What a pain…

Now, what if you want to match two CSVs together from different sources? 😩

Gasket came about because of this common problem. We built a product that would help us get the data we wanted into spreadsheets from our SaaS apps. (Read our introduction if you want to learn more!)


Intercom is an amazing product to help you better understand and talk to your users. The data from such an app is important to so many people and companies, so how do you create a report using that data to send out? Surely you don’t expect everyone to login to Intercom and figure out the data on their own!

Today, we’re so happy to release Intercom as an app integration with Gasket. It’s been a long-time coming! A lot of our users have requested this and for good reason.

Gasket will allow you to pull the data you want to see from Intercom and then push that data to Google Sheets. You can filter, order, and even join the data from other apps right from within Gasket and it’ll do all the hard work for you 😱

Let’s look at a real world examples:

Okay maybe not so realistic… not that many people use Yahoo anymore. Right?

In the example above, I just wanted to see a few columns of data from a certain time period. Normally, I’d have to export a CSV of my data from Intercom…import it to Google Sheets…remove the columns I don’t want…rearrange the sheet…add a custom filter for the dates I want to see…then reformat it again!

Well, not with Gasket.

With Gasket, all I had to do was:
1) Select the columns I want to see
2) Add a simple filter
3) Sync my data to Google Sheets.
It literally does most of the work for you.

Formatted the headings to show their sources. Blue = Intercom, Green = Typeform

In the new example above, I wanted to see the same data from Intercom as before (so, before Gasket, I’d still have to do the same process as the first example 😩) but now I wanted to add data from Typeform. Say I ran a Typeform campaign and sent it to our users, how would you match up the data in a report? Not easily… You’d have to match the data up manually.

With Gasket, you just give a unique identifier (for example, we ask users for their email in the Typeform), and that will let Gasket know how to match up the data. From then on, you can see your users in Intercom that filled in the Typeform by simply syncing your data to Google Sheets 😱


If it isn’t clear already, if you use Intercom, you should be using Gasket. There is no easier way to gather you data from apps in one place.

So… interested? (Who wouldn’t be?)

Sign up at and we will give you an account within 24 hours for free during the remaining beta!

Alternatively, subscribe to our Product Hunt Upcoming page and get an account via that signup for our beta! (It’s so much easier with Product Hunt 😍)

Thanks for listening. Here’s hoping for an easier data workflow for you and your colleagues. ❤️

