Your Tormentor is Weak

Alexis Behrend


They Feed On Your Strength

Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

For any woman being bullied or gaslit by a narcissistic partner, the idea of their tormentor being weak must seem like a joke, or like looking at her situation through the wrong end of a telescope. Her day to day misery will leave her feeling isolated, friendless and impotent.

Only when one can stand back and take what amounts to almost an aerial view of the tragedy that the true landscape emerges.

Let’s concentrate on the male narcissist, manipulating a dependent woman and probably children, rather than the female narcissist who exist but uses different weapons for different ends.

YES, he’ll have a sad sob story or hero narrative to keep selling you, but it’s not the real reason he acts the way he does, so stop buying it.

It is doubtful that narcissists are born but is almost certain that they are made and how they are made will not likely feature in their public narrative. Behind the bravura and tales of victimisation to get you on their side, the truth can be far more ugly and dangerous.

There is a danger in generalisation, and there are many variations, but frequent points to notice…



Alexis Behrend
Editor for

Mother, author, poet, educator, escapee. Obsessed with finding ease in relationships, health, wellbeing and the juggling of life.