Ekayyne — Humans and Landscapes, two worlds of infinite passion

-GASM Erotic Magazine
3 min readJul 8, 2019

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Hi Ekayyne! Your compositions often feature the sensuality of the human body and the beauty of landscapes. Where’s the connection to you?

The mix of humans and landscapes appears to me like an obvious connection. Those are two worlds of infinite passion. They are universal. I love creating those visuals and I felt like people would enjoy them as much as I did.

Which elements do you think strike the eye of the viewer when looking at your compositions?

I think it’s the humans body parts because it is always an important piece of the composition. And it might be what we are all most connected to, so it wouldn’t be a surprise. The bright colours i chose for some images also attract the eye in a certain way.

Are there any artists or designers that inspired you?

Concerning the the collage technique, I would say I’ve been definitely inspired by the work of Jens Ullrich. He combines sport athlete’s bodies with classical sculptures and it’s just stunning. I also love the body exploration of @mariussperlich, the pure beauty of @blackcollage_. I’ve been also inspired by the raw reality drawn by @exotic.cancer, and many more of course.

Could you tell us more about your creative process?

When I work on a new composition, it’s a process that might span from a few minutes to a few months. Whatever it takes to get the perfect match. I might start from an idea that gets me to the right visual, but sometimes it works the opposite way. It’s very random.

What do you think is the role of eroticism in art?

It’s a part of human nature and it is necessary to represent it within creative works. It has been present in art forever and it will be in the future, it’s something really important and we should not be ashamed of it. Art defines who we are and we should simply pursue our creative desires.

What plans do you have for the future?

I’d love to push the limits of the humans and landscapes serie even further. I’m planning to live out of my artistic creations. I’m getting closer and this makes me very happy. So yeah basically I would say I’ll keep on creating things, whether they are digital art collages or other forms of art. Just continue to be able to express myself through art.

Thanks a lot Ekayyne. Are there any tips for young artists that just started showing their work online that you would like to share?

I would tell that person that he or she should follow their instinct, create things naturally, and be productive. For example, creating a series allowed me to push further some ideas so it might be a good idea to structure the work through a specific format. Ah and yeah, always be passionate about what you’re creating.

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Originally published at https://gasm.xxx on July 8, 2019.

