GAT Network Update *January*

GAT Network
GAT Network
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2022

A lot happened in January — if you didn’t had the time to follow GAT Network’s activities closely here is a retrospective for last month:

Binance Labs incubation has ended

10 weeks of Binance Labs incubation have ended. It was a one-of-a-kind experience for us and we are truly grateful that we were given this opportunity.

Not only did we get in contact with wonderful mentors and exciting industry leaders but also with the other incubation teams. We met awesome people and will stay in contact to support each other in the future as we all grow.

The Incubation ended with the Demo Day. During this online event all 9 incubation teams held a 10 minute pitch on their progress to an audience invited by Binance Labs. We were the first to present and everything went as planned :)

We were told that we are part of the Binance Labs family now and can reach out when we have questions or need support.

The contacts we made during the incubation will surely help us in the next years.

New Website

Have you checked our website lately?

Phil has been working on it for many weeks and created a state of the art and easy to use website!

Traction of our products

In preparation for the Demo Day we pulled some statistics on the traction of our products. These are exciting numbers and we work hard to make them even more exciting in the future!

Minted Vodka v2

In early January we launched a preview of Minted Vodka v2 on

The marketplace in multichain enabled now! Of course it is a work-in-progress, updates are pushed constantly and new features will appear continuously in the next weeks.

New Features: Bulk Deals & Mystery Boxes

Shortly after the v2 preview we added Bulk Deals and Mystery Boxes to Minted Vodka.

  1. Bulk Deals allow you to select a set of NFTs (e.g. 100 NFTs) and sell them one-by-one.
  2. Mystery Boxes can be created by selecting the “Mystery Box” checkbox — in this case the NFTs are sold not in order, but randomly. This means that the buyers do not know which NFT exactly he/she is getting (unless there is one left). A perfect opportunity to gamify your sale event!

Read all about that here:

Partnership with SafePal

We are thrilled to introduce to you our partnership with SafePal! After a successful collaboration the giftbox event, we want to explore more ways to work together for the benefit of both projects

Read all about it here:

Partnership with Bird

In January we also partnered with Bird!

Bird is a company of highly skilled tech professionals which provides, on-chain oracle, launchpad and online shopping services for the crypto environment.

Due to their extensive expertise with data analysis, we have strong reasons to believe that the team is a well-desired addition to our own, as both parties synergyse perfectly in both scope and expertise while sharing the vision of what GAT Network is capable of achieving.

Find more information here:…

Shopping Sprees

To encourage public testing of our next-gen, multichain marketplace Minted Vodka v2 , we are going to buy hot NFTs listed on the platform on a regular basis.

The first shopping spree happened on Friday 14th. We bought some NFTs for our in house collection.

Watch out for the next shopping spree. Up to 2,000 USD (GATe) will be spent. If you have some cool NFTs that you would like to sell, please list your NFTs!

Crypto Invaders

The latest Game Ace NFT “Crypto Invaders” dropped at Binance NFT in January.

They did not all sell out completely, but we only listed them there for a limited time. We are checking to decide what to do with the remaining cartridges for the best benefit of the project.

Ecosystem Overview

During our last infographic contest we found a very talented designer who is creating infographics for us from time to time.

If you have ideas for infographics we should create please let us know in the Telegram or Discord.

Airdrop Dixel Club

Dixel Club included Minted Vodka users in their latest airdrop!

Check if you are eligible to get the airdrop via the link on the announcement post! (Kindly note that this event is run by Dixel Club, not by GAT Network)


To celebrate the Lunar New Year we minted this beautiful NFT.

The community voted for design, name and amount of copies.

We already gave lots of them away in contests and giveaways. For GATiger NFTs can be won soon.

They are also available in the Toy Oven

Meme Contest

Last but not least we ran a meme contest in January with some very creative entries.

Here are a few of the memes created by the community :)

So much for the January update, thanks for your attention!

If you want to read last month update, click this link



GAT Network
GAT Network crosschain NFT Market + p2eGaming + DeFi + NFTs + GAT Token (deflationary) @Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and crosschain!