Make your offers for GATiger #1 and #888

GAT Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2022


As you are no doubt aware we have launched some beautiful special cards to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We are distributing many of these via give-aways, via the TOY oven, to key partners, and to select contributors to GAT Network.

GATiger serial # 1/888

We are now looking to offer the two most special serial numbers to the community via Minted Vodka v2. Make your offers for serial #1 and serial #888 now via Flexible Deals on the site.

Create a new deal, network should be “Binance Smart Chain”, and deal type should be “Flexible”. In the “bid” part of the deal make your offer that you feel will be most attractive, and in the “ask” part of the deal select “Collections”, and “TOYS AlchemyToys”, then you can filter (in the top right corner) to add the token ID and find the specific TOY.

Filter by token ID

For GATiger #1 the token ID is 73804990693347688463 and for GATiger #888 the token ID is 65522852964214836822031. Please only add one of these TOYs to your deal in the “ask” section.

On Thursday 10th February the GAT Network team will select the two best offers to accept for these two TOYs, this will be judged on “perceived value” for GATiger #1, and on “creativity of offer” for GATiger #888. Note that you can offer whatever you feel is appropriate, including tokens, other NFTs, or even a combination — you can also add flavour to your title and description if you feel it will help. The team’s decision will be final, and whoever receives the GATiger TOYs are of course able to trade them for other deals if they find them attractive!

Any NFTs received as a part of this promotion will be given away to the community, any tokens received will be consolidated, and the resulting income will be donated to Unicef for the amazing work they do driving change for children and young people across the globe.

The following deals have been accepted — congratulations to the new owners!

GATiger #1

GATiger #888


您一定注意到我们推出了一些漂亮的特殊玩具来庆祝农历新年。其中很多我们正在通过社区赠送、盲盒的方式,分发给核心合作伙伴和GAT 网络的贡献者们。

GATiger 序号 #1/888

我们现在希望通过MV市场 v2 向社区提供两个最特殊的序号。现在可以通过网站上的灵活交易(Flexible Deals)为#1和#888序号创建交易。

创建一个新的交易,网络应该是“BSC (Binance Smart Chain)”,交易类型应该是“灵活的(Flexible)”。在交易的“出价(bid)”部分以你觉得最有吸引力的方式报价,在交易的“要价(ask)”部分,选择“收藏(Collections)”和“炼金术玩具(TOYS AlchemyToys)”,然后你可以过滤(在右上角)添加 token ID并找到特定的玩具。

按 token ID 进行筛选

GATiger #1 的 token ID 为 7380499069334768463,GATiger #888 的 token ID 为 655228522964214836822031。请只在交易中的“要价(ask)”部分添加一个玩具。

2月10日星期四,GAT网络团队将为这两个玩具选择两个最佳报价,这将根据GATiger#1的“感知价值”和GATiger#888的“报价创意”进行评判。请注意,你可以提供你认为合适的任何东西,包括代币、其他NFT,甚至是一个组合 — — 如果你觉得有帮助,你还可以在标题和描述中添加大概的介绍。团队的决定将是最终决定,任何收到 GATiger 玩具的人当然也可以用它们来进行其他有吸引力的交易!




GAT Network

Part of the GAT Network team. Exciting NFT projects for everyone!