Minted Vodka massive increase in minting limits

GAT Network
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2022

Following the introduction of free (gas-only) minting services, there have been some requests to increase the file size limit on minting. Unfortunately this was an infrastructure design limitation, and couldn’t be increased by a simple configuration change, but Minted Vodka have listened to the users, and implemented an infrastructure change to increase this limit.

As such the size limit on minting items on Minted Vodka have been increased ten times from the old 5 MB per item, all the way up to a new limit of 50 MB per item!

Come and try minting on any of the supported chains on Minted Vodka now, with more chains coming soon!

Don’t forget, Minted Vodka is offering entirely free (gas-only) services at the moment with no additional feeds. This includes buying and selling NFTs, both with our innovative flexible deals and our bulk deals, as well as bridging (tokens and Minted Vodka NFTs can both be bridged between all supported chains now, and any future supported chains) and minting.

Minted Vodka



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