GATA’s 2nd Anniversary

Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2024


Its hard to believe but it has been 2 years since we kicked off GATA DAO with our first NFT collection Colonial Cats alongside 16 other collections during the Genesis mint on Stargaze on the 11th of January 2022. Since then, a lot of things have happened and one thing for sure is that it has been one hell of a ride so far.

From launching over a dozen different validators across the Cosmos ecosystem, continuously expanding relaying operations, and launching multiple NFT collections on multiple platforms including our home Stargaze, Teritori, and Omniflix, a new, improved revenue model for our first yield series (Yield Gorillas), and much more.

But this article is not so much about our past accomplishments, but rather a look into the things that we have been working on at GATA for the last couple of months and are eager to share with you as well as giving an outlook on what’s to come for members of GATA DAO.

Onchain DAO & NFT staking via DAODAO

Since the inception of the project, it has always been the goal of GATA to establish it as a decentralized, autonomous organization (DAO), hence the name GATA DAO. We are happy to tell you that the day has finally come to say goodbye to magic transactions, which have been used for voting for the past 2 years, and finally welcoming GATA on DAODAO together with the arrival of NFT staking.

As a result, we are streamlining governance at GATA DAO by establishing an on-chain DAO, which is structured as 3 DAOs on DAODAO:

  • GATAc DAO is for holders of Colonial Cats to stake their NFTs and to cast their votes for decisions in the main DAO.
  • GATAv DAO is for holders of Voyager Cats to stake their NFTs and to cast their votes for decisions in the main DAO.
  • GATA DAO is the overarching main DAO, both DAOs of GATAc & GATAv are members of this main DAO.

By staking your GATA NFTs with the respective DAO, you will be able to participate in upcoming proposals and, probably even more importantly for most of you, to continue to be eligible for monthly GATA epoch rewards!

You might have some questions regarding this restructuring, like

  • Why are there 3 DAOs?
  • What are the settings of the DAOs?
  • How do I stake GATA NFTs?

Answers to all of the above questions and many more you will find in the FAQs which we published on our Gitbook. So, head over to DAODAO & give the new home of GATA’s on-chain governance a try.

Transformation from GATA DAO to GATA HUB

Since the whole project has branched out into various different fields, it has grown into something much more than “just” a DAO with validators attached to it. Therefore, we decided it was about time to highlight this development, and to do so, we are proud to announce the transformation from GATA DAO to GATA HUB.

GATA HUB is the overarching term for all of the essential parts that are operating under the GATA brand:

  • GATA INFRA: all of GATA’s infrastructure services like validator, relaying & testnet operations are contained under this part of the GATA HUB.
  • GATA DAO: this will be the home of DAO members (GATAc & GATAv holders), which will be organized as on-chain DAOs on DAODAO (see section above for more info).
  • GATA YIELD: this will be the home of current & future Yield series collections (e.g. Yield Gorillas) and their holders.

As part of this restructuring, GATA HUB as well as all the subunits are getting a fresh new set of logos to underline our efforts to clarify our ventures, with some of them already in use on our discord server & on X.

New GATA logos on X

As a result of this transformation, all validators’ names have been changed from GATA DAO to GATA HUB together with the new logos. So, in case you have been wondering: Yes, the validators are now called GATA HUB. But they are operated by the same team as before!

In addition to the existing GATA DAO account, GATA HUB has its own X account.

  • GATA HUB’s X account will focus on general topics with respect to all parts of GATA and all infrastructural topics related to GATA validators.
  • GATA DAO’s X account will continue to exist and will post information about NFT collections, epoch rewards, and everything related to the DAO.

So, make sure to follow GATA HUB on X in order to not miss out on any important information about GATA and its ventures.

GATA HUB account on X

New website

Along with the rebranding to GATA HUB, we’ve decided that it was also about time to give our website a redesign. What started as an idea finally ended up as a complete re-launch of an awesome new website.

Aside from giving GATA a nice and modern-looking digital home, our goal with this redesign was to provide you with up-to-date information on all the different ventures of GATA ranging from validator operations and their relaying operations, to NFT collections together with an overview of epoch rewards as well as a detailed roadmap of past and future achievements.

So, what are you waiting for? Go check out GATA HUB’s new website here.

GATA HUB’s new website

GATA Gitbook upgrades

For those of you who have been following us closely know that we publish all information about GATA (NFT collections, epoch rewards, etc.) as well as a lot of content about the Cosmos ecosystem on our own Gitbook.

Over the last couple of weeks, the team has been super busy with performing a massive update to it. We’ve restructured and updated all the existing content and added several new sections as well as subpages for new developments.

Go ahead and take a closer look at it and make sure to bookmark the no. 1 place for everything GATA-related here.

GATA Gitbook

Community rewards via Streampay

GATA provides various community activities from giveaways to holders and delegators, quizzes in which we highlight IBC & partner projects, to Zealy sprints in which participants can earn many rewards in the form of tokens, NFTs, and WLs.

So far, the rewards of those activities have been manually distributed by the team. To enable a smoother experience for everyone, we are happy to introduce a new distribution method for community rewards by making use of Omniflix campaigns enhanced by Streampay.

How does this new distribution mechanism work? Winners of community activities & events

  • will get NFTs airdropped to them on Omniflix
  • these NFTs can get burned via Omniflix campaigns
  • the winners get their reward tokens streamed directly to their wallet via Streampay

The first GATA folks to experience this new distribution method will be

  • the winners of the monthly GATA Launch Souvenirs raffle on Omniflix
  • the winners of last month’s Zealy sprint

Distribution of rewards to these 2 groups of winners will start on Friday, March 15th, 2024.

GATA Community Events Rewards NFT on Omniflix

Closing words

We as a team want to thank you all very much for sticking around and for all the support and active participation in the DAO and across all our channels throughout the last 2 years. It has been one hell of a ride and we are really excited about the future of GATA and hope that you will be joining us along this amazing journey.





I truly believe in the future of Crypto and the Cosmos ecosystem.