Yield Gorilla debriefing

Published in
5 min readDec 27, 2022

Hello everyone, your endless wait is about to end today!

Today we would like to tell you about the distribution system and the Yield Gorillas funds.
In this article, we will focus on being logical and transparent with you, as always!


  1. Take a look back at what happened and where we are now.
  2. The distribution system.
  3. A few figures.
  4. Proposition.

As you know, in our world everything moves very fast.

However, it is necessary to always have one step ahead about what is going to happen.

1. Let’s take a look back at what happened and where we are now:

  • We have sold 9900 YGs for ~17200 $Atom
  • The platform fees were 5% and the Net-Mint proceeds were ~16300 $Atom.
  • We split that 16300 $ ATOM in 30% $ATOM / 70% $TORI thanks to the OTC deal we manage to avoid extra fees/slippage and we were able to stake 4920 $ATOM and 381000 $TORI
  • The Net-Mint proceeds were around ~150.000 $USD.
  • Today (12/26/22) we have around: 6791 $Atom (4920 $Atom from staking and 1871 $Atom from rewards) worth 61800 $USD and 383780 $TORI worth 22668 $USD
  • So, we have 84468 $USD (56% of the total we had when we sold out.)
  • Over the same period, $TORI price went from 0.32 $USD to 0.06 $USD which represents a fall of 82%.

The price falls are expected in the bear market, what is not predictable, however, is how far it will fall.

It is obvious that we did not foresee such a strong fall (at least in the near term) but this does not mean that we are not prepared for the worst at all times or we are not capable of bouncing back — quite the contrary!

As we are confident in our partner and we know that the features they are going to release are high-quality features and the price of $TORI should go up in the long run. (NFA)

But, to ensure the future of Yield Gorillas we believe it is important to capitalize more.

Our goal has never been to give you huge rewards once and then a little one afterward that would not make sense and our collection will not last. We have always believed in sustainability over the longer run, in terms of value.

Our goal is to produce sustainable asset value and provide you with consistent yields.

For that, we believe it is important to build a well-balanced YG portfolio for the long run.

We, therefore, propose to capitalize on the current farm to increase the portfolio.

We believe that the arrival of ICS will be a game changer for our community and our validator.

The agenda for the ICS is quite simple:

  • We should have the proposal by the end of the year (see forum discussion)
  • A vote for the beginning of the year
  • A possible launch by February or early March

We would like to offer you to compound your $ATOM until the end of February in order to increase the size of the $ATOM portfolio for the ICS.

This will allow us in the long run to bring you even more rewards, which has always been our goal.

This $ atom will be yours and will allow you to:

  • Back your YG with real $ATOM
  • Take full advantage of future ICS consumer chains
  • Eligibility for airdrops against the bigger $ATOM delegation.

Of course, Rarity will count in the process, meaning that you will earn more rewards thanks to the rarity of your Yield Gorillas!

2. The distribution system:

The distribution system is not yet ready, it is more complicated than the existing GATA distributing system because Rarity factors are pretty hard to add to the system while for GATA NFT, there is no rarity factor.

More than that we are working closely with Teritori to claim a snapshot by NFT ID every month and they are working on a tool to allow us to do it by ourselves.

As you all know, building this kind of thing when you are a precursor on a chain is always difficult and time-consuming.
Whatever happens, we will not be able to technically distribute the rewards in January.

For the information, even if it’s quite different from when GATA DAO was set up, the first distribution after the launch, happened just around after more than 6 months!

3. A few figures

We would like to take this opportunity to give you some figures of GATA DAO so that you can see how much value we are able to provide to our collections:

GATA mint proceeds:

  • GATA-c 3500 $Atom (11 March 2022)
  • GATA-v 2000 $Atom (June-Aug 2022)

Total ~5500 Atom

GATA Giveaway:

  • 18 GATA-v equivalent 4500USD or 500 $Atom (time of writing)
  • 47 GATA-c equivalent 11750 USD or 1305 $Atom (time of writing)
  • 105K Stars @ 0.025 USD equivalent 2625 USD 291 $Atom (time of writing)
  • 100 Juno @ 1.25 USD equivalent 125 USD 14 $Atom (time of writing)
  • 50 Evmos $2 Atom (time of writing)
  • 1500 USD $165 Atom (time of writing)
  • 25 YG 50 $Atom (time of writing)
  • 10000 Tori @ 0.07 $USD equivalent 700 $USD 75 $Atom (time of writing)
  • 4K Rowan

Total Atom distributed in giveaways to the broader GATA community = ~2500 Atom in NFT and cosmos assets

Total Atom issued from revenue sharing:

  • Revenue share to GATA holders in 5 epochs = ~2600 $Atom
  • Total $Atom held in validators and treasury of GATA = ~3300 $Atom

Total = 5900 $Atom

Total mint proceeds: 5500 $Atom

Total Giveaways + Revenues shared + $Atom held: 2500+2600+3300 = 8400 $Atom

We collected 5500 $Atom and produced more than 8400 $ATOM in value.

The situation with the $STARS was almost identical since at the time of the first sale of NFT the $STARS went from more than 0.40 $USD to 0.02 $USD and at that time we had not converted anything into $ATOM!

So far, we are performing better than we did with GATA DAO!

4. Proposition:

Here is what we propose to allow the Yield Gorillas funds to grow and be ready to collect the full benefit of the ICS launch:

  • Increase our $Atom staking from 4920 $Atom -> 10000 $Atom (~6800 already)
  • Increase our $TORI staking from 381000 $TORI -> 400000 $TORI

Once this milestone is reached, we will also have a working distribution system and we can start distributing rewards, hoping that the ICS will be launched at that time to provide you with important rewards. (Which could be more beneficial to more $Atom)
*1st distribution ETA, late Q1 2023

On the other hand, it is easy to set up the lottery and the buyback of the floor.

So on January 1st :

  • We will randomly select 1 winner for the lucky draw to win 3% of the monthly rewards!
  • We will use 2% of the monthly rewards to buy back the floor!

