How making money from Web3 Games works: Understanding the economics of web3 gaming

Gateway App
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2024

Web3 Gaming: The Economy Behind Earning and Demand”

The gaming world is changing rapidly with the rise of Web3 technologies. These innovations are altering how game economies function and are monetised. Understanding the dynamics of supply, demand, and growth is key for anyone looking to succeed in Web3 game economies.

The New Paradigm of Web3 Gaming

Web3 gaming, or blockchain gaming, is changing the way we play. Unlike traditional games where the developers own everything, Web3 games let players own their assets using non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This change affects how assets are managed and valued.

At Gateway, we’re using this technology to make gaming better. We turn in-game achievements and items into NFTs, so players can truly own and benefit from their in-game success.

Supply: The Creation and Distribution of In-Game Assets

In Web3 games, the items and assets you use — like characters, weapons, and virtual land — are managed by blockchain technology. There are two main ways to handle these assets:

1. Finite Supply:

  • Scarcity and Value: If there are only a few of a certain item, it becomes rare and more valuable. This rarity can make these items more sought after and lead to increased trading.
  • Controlled Inflation: Game developers can control how often new items are introduced to prevent the value from dropping too quickly and to keep the game’s economy balanced.

2. Infinite Supply:

  • Accessibility: If there’s no limit to the number of items available, more players can easily get what they need without high costs.
  • Economic Stability: While this avoids the high prices caused by scarcity, it requires careful management to prevent the value of items from falling too much and to ensure the economy remains stable.

Demand: What Makes In-Game Assets Valuable

The value of in-game items in Web3 games depends on several factors:

  • Utility: Items that offer real benefits in the game, like powerful weapons or land that produces resources, are more valuable and desirable.
  • Social Status: Rare items can boost a player’s reputation within the gaming community, making them more attractive to other players.
  • Speculation: Some players see items as investments, hoping their value will increase over time. The overall market trends can also impact how much players are willing to pay.

Growth: How to Build a Healthy Web3 Game Economy

To make a Web3 game’s economy successful and sustainable, developers need to focus on a few key areas:

  • Balancing Supply and Demand: Developers can use tools to adjust the number of items available based on how many players want them. This helps keep the economy balanced and avoids problems like over-saturation or shortages.
  • Player Incentives: Offering rewards for long-term participation, like staking rewards, can help keep players engaged and stabilize the economy.
  • Economic Diversification: Providing multiple ways for players to earn and spend in the game, such as trading items or running in-game businesses, helps create a more stable and diverse economy.

To succeed in Web3 gaming, it’s important to understand how supply, demand, and growth work together. Builders must create valuable and sustainable in-game assets to build strong economies that benefit players and the gaming community. As Web3 gaming evolves, mastering these principles will help you succeed.

At Gateway, we’re changing how games work using blockchain technology. Our platform turns in-game assets into NFTs, which players can trade and sell. This makes the gaming experience more exciting and financially rewarding.

We focus on creating fair and sustainable game economies. Our goal is to provide fun and rewarding games that allow players to truly own and benefit from their gaming achievements.

Be part of the Web3 gaming revolution with Gateway. Our games, like Ija: Battle of the Gods, offer innovative gameplay and real rewards. With over 3 billion gamers worldwide and nearly 200 million in Sub-Saharan Africa, we aim to make a real difference. Traditional gaming often doesn’t offer real value outside the game, but Gateway changes that. We blend African stories with cutting-edge game design to create experiences that are both enjoyable and valuable.

Explore our games today and see how Gateway is redefining gaming at

