Adulthood 101

Gathering Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2015


Your financial foundation starts here

TL;DR: We wrote a guide on building a rock solid personal finance foundation. You can get it free by signing up on our site at

The back story

Earlier this year, our team at Gathering spent some time working to educate young people about the broader components of personal finance (far beyond the savings platform we’re building today). In doing so, we built an informative guide to help young people set up a rock solid financial foundation, which we dubbed Adulthood 101.

Today, we want to share this guide with you. If you’re looking to start building your finances from scratch, this document will guide you step by step. But if you feel your finances are in good order, the guide still serves as a great refresher to make sure you are happy with the foundation you already have. Who knows what new things you may learn?

We’re convinced that Adulthood 101 will make you one smart cookie and all your friends will be insanely jealous of your personal finance knowledge. And the best part? It’s free! All we ask is that you sign up on our website to get your copy.

The following is an excerpt (and the introduction) to Adulthood 101. We hope you find it useful and share the good news with others.

Personal finance doesn’t have to be complex, and it definitely shouldn’t be boring. When you’re just starting out, you don’t need a financial advisor to run your life. Instead, you simply need some basic building blocks. Blocks that will help you move money around, save some of your earnings, build a strong credit history, and protect yourself and your belongings.

Getting started on the right foot will help you avoid the majority of financial disasters and will put you way ahead of the curve of your peers. You’ll be more confident about the money you have, and you’ll save more money over time. Plus nearly every financial situation you face will be much easier. What’s not to be excited about?

But what exactly does that financial foundation look like? We’ve boiled it down to just nine financial necessities that everyone should have and use. They include things like a checking account to act as the central hub of your financial world, a credit card to help you build a strong credit history, and insurance to protect you from life giving you a swift kick in the pants.

But it’s not enough to have the right categories covered; we’ve gone a step further to identify the top products and providers in each category which is what our financial guide, which we’ve dubbed Adulthood 101, is all about. There are a lot of bad options out there, but the best ones are easy to use and understand. Their technology is excellent, so you can access everything you need when you need it. Most importantly, they respect you and your hard-earned money, and they provide excellent value and customer service for minimal cost.

Gathering empowers young people to meet life’s goals and challenges through smart money decisions. We are on a mission to make money work for all of us. Sign up to be part of the movement and join us on this journey.



Gathering Blog

The world is designed to consume your money. We help you save it.