Rajlakshmi Biswas
Published in
6 min readAug 8, 2023

In the field of Data Science and Machine Learning (ML), the fundamental shift in the various organizations is represented by Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). This helps to reduce the time consumption, repetitive tasks of ML for model development. This is a more efficient, high-scale, and productive method for building effective modeling. In this article, there will be a discussion in the following sections which will cover the importance, uses, and challenges of ML. In the end, there will be a conclusion based on this article.

Importance of AutoML

AutoML is essential for reducing the knowledge-based resources significantly for an organization. This can be implemented by ML model development with the help of a dataset by creating train data and test data.

AutoML helps to increase the model accuracy and also reduces biases as well as errors.

This eases the workloads and processes of data scientists by reducing the confusion among algorithms. Analytical and predictive solutions are made from AutoML.

It lowers the model entry requirements and allows machines to do it.

Figure 1: ML lifecycle (Source: javatpoint)


There are some products for different purposes such as-





AutoML software availability is presented in firms that are AI-oriented like Google, and SAS.

Python packages: Numpy, Pandas, TensorFlow, Seaborn, Keras, PyTorch

Practical applications of AutoML

The practical application of ML in the world is mainly by creating models which create significant impacts in various industries.

Accessibility: AutoML makes ML models more attainable to customers. It also eliminates the heavy programming burden by extracting features that can create hypercritical situations.

Time-efficiency: It reduces the development time of a model-building process. It also eases the process by applying hyperparameter tuning, and model selection with data processing to make making innovative development.

Consistency and Transparency: These are the two pedestals of AutoML. It transparent the documented process and in the various datasets and scenarios uniformly creates the transformation to make data-driven decisions.

Resource Efficiency: By optimizing computational resources, there can be some model development of different facets.

Case scenario

  1. DataRobot company used AutoML for product quality and it resulted in the process democratization along with reducing the 1/10th cost.
  2. Google is in the process of enhancing the AutoML model in the field of dental research. Google Cloud’s cutting-edge technology was built for customizing ML models.
  3. HuggingFace’s AutoTrain toolchain is a big leap toward democratizing natural language processing. It allows even someone like myself who isn’t a researcher to train high-performing NLP models and have them deployed effectively and at scale.
Figure 2: Auto-trainings (Source:

Learning Resource

There are some online platforms from where people can learn ML. some online platforms are-

· Coursera

· edX

· Alison

· Udemy

· Open Yale Courses

Advantages and Disadvantages


● With AutoML, creating machine learning models is a fraction of the time it formerly was. Data preprocessing, designing features, picking a model, and hyperparameter modification are just some of the steps in the ML pipeline that may be automated to speed up model development and facilitate faster deployment of AI solutions.

● With AutoML, machine learning may be used by a wider range of people. It allows specialists in the field and non-technical consumers to harness AI without requiring considerable knowledge of data science as well as programming. Machine learning is becoming more accessible, allowing businesses to take advantage of information generated by AI without having to hire expensive data scientists.

● To find the best-performing setup for a particular job, AutoML automatically examines a large range of ML models and hyperparameters. It improves model quality with little human interaction by maximizing predicted accuracy and generalization.

● AutoML lessens the burden on computing resources by automating several steps in the model-building process. This makes AI adoption more financially realistic by allowing businesses to save money on hardware and reallocate those funds to other strategically important endeavours.

● AutoML guarantees data- and scenario-independent consistency in model construction. Its automated procedures standardize the model creation pipeline, making it easier to deploy the same model in different settings and boosting repeatability.

● AutoML improves model governance by making the model creation process more open and documentable. In highly regulated fields, where models explain ability and conformity are mission-critical, this is of paramount importance. Having a record of each stage of the model process allows for full accountability.


● Due to its automated nature, AutoML may restrict the degree to which data scientists may modify and fine-tune models. Optimal performance may need human assistance in more complicated settings.

● AutoML makes AI more accessible, but it may be unable to replicate the sophisticated subject expertise held by professional data scientists. Domain experience may improve feature engineering as well as model selection in highly specialized areas.

● AutoML’s results are sensitive to the amount and quality of data used in its training. Careful focus on collecting information and preparation is required to avoid poor models due to insufficient or biased data.

● AutoML’s output may be too complicated, requiring more time and effort to infer and more resources to train. While simpler models might be enough in certain circumstances, AutoML may instead prioritize more complicated designs were doing so would improve performance.

Future Recommendations

The concepts of interpretability and comprehensibility refer to the ability to understand and provide reasoning for the decisions and outputs of a model or system.

With the increasing use of AutoML in diverse sectors, there arises a burgeoning need for comprehension and clearness in the resultant models. In order to effectively tackle this issue, it is essential for AutoML platforms to allocate resources towards the advancement of methodologies that augment the transparency of models. Explainable artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as the study of feature significance and the provision of model-specific clarification, may facilitate users’ comprehension of the decision-making process used by AI models in generating predictions. The importance of interpretability in models cannot be overstated, particularly in areas such as healthcare, finance, along with legal. In these sectors, interpretability is vital for ensuring compliance with regulations and fostering confidence in AI systems.

Although AutoML is effective in simplifying the process of model generation, there will inevitably be instances when the application of domain-specific knowledge and skills may provide significant insights. Future AutoML solutions should prioritize the facilitation of more integration with human involvement, therefore enabling data scientists as well as domain specialists to conveniently customise and refine models. The hybrid technique used in this study integrates the advantages of automation alongside human experience, so yielding models that are more robust and contextually relevant.

At now, the success of AutoML is significantly dependent on the availability of extensive, high-caliber datasets and robust computing resources. The next improvements in AutoML should prioritize enhancing its efficacy in settings characterized by restricted data availability as resource-constrained contexts. This encompasses the investigation of methodologies such as transfer learning, learning by doing, and compression of models to enhance the suitability of AutoML in devices at the edge and IoT environments. The use of AutoML at the edge allows companies to leverage the advantages of artificial intelligence in decentralized applications, resulting in decreased latency and alleviated privacy issues.

