Creating Events the Gatsby Way!

Using the 5 C’s

Carrie Smith
Gatsby Labs
6 min readAug 9, 2022


When I began my journey at Gatsby over one year ago, one of the most exciting things for me to sink my teeth into was to create an actual event. I wanted to get deep into the weeds and fully understand the amazing platform our engineers and designers had created. I wanted to see what it was like to be able to take all of those 100 different tools I currently used — and merge them into one! I also thrived to be the subject expert on the tool.

And, so I thought, “where do I begin — and what exactly is event management anyway”?

Event Management: is the “application of project management to the creation and development of small and/or large-scale personal or corporate events”.

Hmmm, so it’s kind of like project management for events! Easy enough.

As mentioned above, I had always created events with lots of tools. Sound familiar? There was paper, multiple in person meetings, databases, contact lists, emails and more. I thought I knew the art of perfecting and managing an event really well, but did I? 😕

Being an EA, we are often tasked with being the subject expert on everything. I almost felt as if I needed to be an event planner, project manager and communications expert wrapped up in one to create the kind of event I wanted. I mean, what EA do you know that has the time to do all of this — and do it well? I wanted my events to go seamlessly well and, often, with that white glove touch. Events were fun and exciting, but also lots of work and stressful!

Courtesy of Snack Nation Office

I remember my second job like it was yesterday. I was the EA to the Co-Chair at a high profile Toronto law firm. The Co-Chair was a prominent member of society and the business world. Within days, I was thrust into contact with a whole myriad of VIPs. I had to plan what I would call multiple “intimate” events. Whether that was small dinner parties, or merger and acquisition gatherings. I was an extension of him, so I needed to ensure I always gave our clients that VIP service they deserved — even when it came to planning the event.

“The EA function has transformed from a supporting role to more of a strategic one. Today’s executives lean on their assistants not just for admin help, but for strategic counsel, technical expertise, and critical analysis. EAs are expected to dabble in things as wide and varied as project management, event planning, and internal communications.”

– The Assist

I remember being really nervous about my first event. I had to get this right. There was all of the coordinating it took to correspond with guests. You had to coordinate with their ‘team’ who helped coordinate the logistics. I had to find a venue, visit the venue — pick the food, decide where everyone had to part — the list goes on.

There were specific rules about engagement and set up. I had a ruled notebook for all of the information — color-tabbed perfectly of course! Stuff like, guests favorite wine, it was so-and-so’s birthday, what car they drove so I could identify when they arrived, their kids names (to ask how they are), spouse/partner name, or and don’t forget the home address to make sure I sent the invite to the right place — you name it! I was on top of it. Or so I thought!

I became a multi-tasker to the max! I had spreadsheets, Word documents, databases — everything! I couldn’t let anything fall between the cracks — like the time I didn’t order kosher rice (because who knew the VIP could ONLY eat kosher rice, right?). Or the time I asked Mr. (we won’t say his name) how he enjoyed his new Porsche — to find out it was a BMW.🤦‍♀️

It’s the little details that matter so much.

Little did I know that several years later, I’d be working at a software company that handles everything for you related to events and engagement. Yes, you read that right, everything. Where was Gatsby when I needed it most? Now, nothing falls through the cracks. All those personal details on a client can be held forever in their contact sheet. Events can be collaborated on in real time with team members. RSVP invites are so easy to do and send.

But what about Best Practices?

Let’s dive in and talk about some best practices when it comes to creating an event. I like to refer to this, as the commonly known “5 C’s of Creating an Event”. And let’s tie that in with how Gatsby can help you achieve all 5.


Think about an event you attended that had everlasting memories. This is what you want to do with your event. Why are you are planning this event? What is the purpose? This is your why, who, what, where, when.

Gatsby makes this process seem almost too easy. When creating your event, you will have a canvas to add these details and more. Be able to add collaborators, hosts, locations, time zone, a map and videoconferencing. Gatsby is smart, collaborative and streamlined.

Say goodbye to that notebook! Your entire events and engagement process, in one place.


This is where you establish a theme, delegate tasks and determine a budget.

Because Gatsby is performant, beautiful and robust, it allows you to create gorgeous authentic invites by visiting our RSVP section. Add that image that really speaks to your vibe. Place your logo front and center for all to see. Be able to see what your guests will see before it goes out. Why not even ask your guests a question beforehand, like, “Do you have any dietary restrictions?”. That information stays with that guest in their contact card. Yep, it’s that easy.


They say control is one of the most overlooked and often neglected stages of event management. Control is best managed if you do a run-through of the event.

This is where it is time to utilize Gatsby collaboration section to coordinate this run-through. Have real time discussions on what the venue looks like, or have discussions with collaborators in real time once you are there. Pretty cool huh?


This is when the event takes place. On this day, you and your team need to be on top of everything.

With Gatsby, simple check-in process, you will be able to check guests in as they arrive. And when your executive appears out of no where and asks you who has arrived — there it isreal time attendance! At your fingertips. No more guessing — or scanning the room.


Once the event is done, you may need to close out payments and contracts. You should always reach out to your guests and ask them for feedback on the event.

Why not have Gatsby create a post feedback survey for you? Then download this into a file to present to your executive. Isn’t is amazing that you can do this without utilizing a whole bunch of different tools? All in one place.

What are you waiting for? Get started today, get your network moving with Gatsby.

